Tuesday, 27 December 2005

bedevilled and wary of the new english grammar now prevalent in society

The word like appears to have become a substitute for more or less anything in a sentence.

"Oh yeah, and like, the other day it was like, soooo random, like, he came up to me and said, "Do you want a drink, love?" And I'm like, duhhh, like, it would be so, like, majorly stupid of me not to say yes! Anyway. He was like, "I'll get you that, then." So like, I took a seat, and like, who should come along but (insert C-list celebrity name of your choice here)! And I was like, blown away, do you know what I mean? Totally top stuff. It was like having ten Christmasses at once!"

Tuesday, 20 December 2005

the callous consumer debt advice panel was waiting for him at the exit, but

Realised that working in a record store is possibly one of the worst jobs you can have to eliminate existing debt. I must've spent almost £200 since being hired there! Here's a list of stuff I've bought: PS2 Need for Speed Most Wanted, Batman Begins, Have I Got News For You, Clarkson Heaven and Hell, Permanent: Joy Division 1995, Bloc Party: Silent Alarm, Him: Dark Light, The Snowman Soundtrack, Holst: The Planets, Adema: Planets, Coltrane: Blue Train, Gershwin: Rhapsody In Blue, Miles Davis: Kind of Blue, Philip Glass: Violin Concerto.... the list goes on....

Tuesday, 13 December 2005

If only I folded pocket kings.

Took a quick peek inside our house under going refurbishment. We're living in my sister's home next door, so checking the progress is easy. Originally we were planning an extension but now it seems virtually the whole house is being revamped. So far the new kitchen and bathroom have been installed, and the rooms upstairs have new lights fitted and painted walls.

Is that a lot after 3 months? With builders these days you don't know what you can get yourself into. A block of City University, including part of the student union, is also being revamped. So during term I found myself hanging around Angel and Barbican. The Elbow room is a great place to go in Angel. Its a pool lounge and bar with a nice, chilled atmosphere.

Then there's Gutshot in Barbican where I've now played 4 poker tournaments. The most recent one was the most disappointing, a NL holdem £5 buy in. Like all other 'happy hour' tournaments, there is a 30 minute period of 2 re buys. As usual I ended up rebuying to the full £15. I was receiving the worst hands you can get e.g. 7/2 off-suit; 3/6 off. After the rebuy period finished, I finally received a good hand. Pocket kings, the second best pre flop.

I went all in against 2 others: one with Q/8 and another with 10/K. Flop was 6, Q, 3. The turn was an A, giving 10/K an inside straight draw. And yes, you guessed it, a J came on the river. Absolutely GUTTED. Thats poker, c'est la vie.

I had to double check my January exam timetable which reads: 3rd Jan Principles of Finance........Thats it!! No Maths, no Economics. This means I'll have 5 modules in May. Lucille, I'm sure your timetable is not this erratic, how's 3rd yr Maths going?

Monday, 12 December 2005

although not sure if copying directly was in fact a sign in lessening of quality, it


I do not like sluts.

I do not like trade unionists.

I do not like people with a lot of bling. It is generally worth less than my boxers anyway.

I do not like people who park their cars unnecessarily closely to me.

I do not like people who talk shit about me behind my back.

I do not like dumbass 10 year olds who think they're punk/rocker just because they've bought a Bloc Party hoodie.

I do not like reality TV.

I do not like how expensive stuff is in this country.

I do not like vegetables.

I do not like my hometown, Sutton, because it is a concrete shithole full of loud noisy Stella-drinking chavs, and the excuse for its nightlife is lamentable. Why can't the Cockpit be in South London?! Lol.

I do not like exercise. Much.


I like rock and punk music, in particular Slam Dunk from my all-conquering glorious student days

I like articulate people who can hold a conversation in non-fuckwit-speak English

I like several cups of coffee in the morning

I like going to the rock fests in the summer - if I have any spare money.

I like to, and WILL, do everything I can to keep my friends happy.

I like to write music in my spare time, but mostly that's because I'm hoping to make a living out of it.

I like driving, and fast cars, but not in a "boy racer let's soup up a Citroen Saxo" kind of way.

I like Space Invaders.


compensation culture. because you're worth it.

charm offensive was led by prominent heads of state

glowing carmine surrealistically made permanent

ethereal lightness in what would otherwise be a cesspit of distress

earthquake diplomacy did the rounds and gauzed up emotional imperfections

interrogation technique was employed as America adopted a "less is more" think-tank strategy

praxeological distinction upon the theoretical framework, busting to the seams

superimposed upon the tangential scalar nexus

starlights in the gloom that is a vertiginous distance

the jilted whore made good her revenge

mellifluous marmalade on crusted toasted bread

afflicted his self-perceived xenophobic wisdom

kerosene surcharge while world oil price rises


I am shy and easily intimidated.

I probably have a sense of inferior masculinity. (see huge muscly black guys above)

I am capable of spending literally hundreds of hours sitting at home writing one bar of music. Because if it's the song which makes me ....

I am kind, compassionate, warm hearted and caring, but not if you fuck me off.

I am romantic...but not in a slushy new-age-bloke way.

I am really still a 14 year old kid at heart .. after all, adults are just kids with debt.

And now, a quick survey:
Name:you should know that!
Birthday:july 7
Birthplace:sutton royal marsden
Current Location:sutton - don't I move around a lot
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:brown
Right Handed or Left Handed:right
Your Heritage:I'm half-chink if that's what you mean
The Shoes You Wore Today:DCs, my fav!
Your Weakness:any insect...shudder...
Your Fears:never finding love
Your Perfect Pizza:meat feast
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:get an album published
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:oh shit, am I not dead yet?
Your Best Physical Feature:my fingers (to make good music you dirty minded ppl!)
Your Bedtime:when I want
Your Most Missed Memory:Jill ... the cute lass at the Cockpit ... sigh
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
McDonalds or Burger King:BK burger with McD fries!
Single or Group Dates:Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:neither
Chocolate or Vanilla:chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:coffee
Do you Smoke:no
Do you Swear:a bit
Do you Sing:badly
Do you Shower Daily:yes
Have you Been in Love:i'm not sure. what is love?
Do you want to go to College:done that!
Do you want to get Married:yeah...call me old-fashioned
Do you belive in yourself:sometimes, but not overly so
Do you get Motion Sickness:no
Do you think you are Attractive:definitely not
Are you a Health Freak:hahaha...that should be, am i an anti-health freak
Do you get along with your Parents:usually
Do you like Thunderstorms:i don't dislike them...
Do you play an Instrument:piano, keyboards, some drums (used to do clarinet & alto sax too!)
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:definitely
In the past month have you Smoked:no, because i don't
In the past month have you been on Drugs:don't do them either
In the past month have you gone on a Date:nope. are you seeing a pattern here?
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:how effeminate. yes.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:no
In the past month have you been on Stage:er...no.
In the past month have you been Dumped:no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:no
Ever been Drunk:yes
Ever been called a Tease:no!
Ever been Beaten up:yes
Ever Shoplifted:no
How do you want to Die:as painlessly as possible
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:i will never grow up, i still listen to Green Day records man and i'm bleeding 21.
What country would you most like to Visit:Egypt
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:any
Favourite Hair Color:brown
Short or Long Hair:either
Height:no giraffes, other than that anything
Weight:no hippos. god i'm so shallow...ugh.
Best Clothing Style:sk8er
Number of Drugs I have taken:none. (and the pattern is complete)
Number of CDs I own:millions
Number of Piercings:none
Number of Tattoos:none
Number of things in my Past I Regret:a lot


I'd Like to Meet:

It would be quite cool to meet (not in any order) 1) Green Day, or Muse. I cannot stop playing their albums!!! What can I say, Dookie still remains unbeaten for pure entertainment. (This is a massive tip off that I don't like scene kids!) 2) A wicked girlfriend. 3) Ken Livingstone. (so I can kick him in the balls) 4) Any randomly selected member of the Labour party. (for the same reason) 5) Would've liked to have met my grandad on my mum's side. But he died before I was born. 6) The bloke who created Wacky Races and Stop The Pigeon. Two of the finest cartoons EVER! Although he's probably dead too now, come to think of it.







good music,



and ... did I mention wine?!



Fav bands include:

3 Doors Down


All American Rejects




Dashboard Confessional



Green Day (kind of sad now I'm so old!)

Guns n Roses


Jimmy Eat World

Joy Division

Kings of Leon




Ocean Colour Scene






Reel Big Fish


Sugar Ray

Taking Back Sunday

The Zutons




Fav movies:

Donnie Darko

Napoleon Dynamite

Being John Malkovich

Boys Don't Cry

The Green Mile

Shawshank Redemption

Forrest Gump

The Piano

American Beauty

The Virgin Suicides

Dumb and Dumber



Fight Club

City of God



a disturbing semi-obsession with The Simpsons.

to a lesser extent:

Takeshi's Castle,


The Price Is Right,

Wheel of Fortune

... all of these are classic, classic retro shows which cannot be beaten!

and a couple from when I was much, much younger:

Blockbusters (can I have a P please Bob?!?!)

Finders Keepers

Fun House



Margaret Thatcher ... she was never concerned with image unlike Mr Blair and she actually did stuff instead of fannying about like a media whore. Not to mention, the free milk she gave us all in primary school...mmm.....three layers of skin....



anything by William Boyd or Haruki Murakami

Thursday, 8 December 2005

end of term

Finally, I've finished my economics essay WOOHOO! A big sigh of relief. The great thing is, I've handed it in a day before the deadline. Went to the poker club 'Gutshot' in EC1 last Thursday, my 1st time there. The place is only 5 minutes walk away from the City uni campus which is brilliant. I entered only my 2nd live tournament, a £5 buy-in. The game was omaha pot limit. We were allowed 2 re-buys, so I started with £10, then got another £5 just before the re buy period finished. There were 30 players to start with, and after an hour, I found myself on the final table of 10 players. I had built up a healthy chip stack, so when the guy next to me went all in and beat me on the river with only 2 outs remaining, I wasnt badly affected.

One by one, players dropped out and I was in the top 5, so I was guaranteed some money back. But I didn't expect to go as far as heads up, and in the end, we decided to split the money. So I paid £15, and got back £90 for finishing joint 1st!! Not bad for a first time, beginner's luck maybe.

Tomorrow's the last day of term, don't know what I'm going to do during the holidays. No doubt there will be a few poker sessions with Tony and Howard, and any other Habs guys who want to lose their money to me.

Monday, 5 December 2005

weatherwoman irritated viewers by constantly smiling ear-to-ear as she delivered her hellish report

Thicker coats are certainly the order of the day as the weather takes a turn for the worse. Tomorrow I return to Leeds for a much anticipated night out at Cockpit; 4 hours of the best music ever. I am salivating just thinking about it. But time waits for no man, and I'll have to be back in Sutton by the following afternoon for a staff Christmas dinner. Also greatly looking forward to the 9th as that is PAY DAY....yessss! :)