Tuesday, 27 February 2007

like a resignee

Gave my notice in. It's not effective immediately: I have to wait 4 weeks and then I can switch to my new job. Suddenly a working environment involving no screaming babies can't come soon enough.

Saturday, 10 February 2007

like a zygote

What did the zygote say to the foetus?
"You've got to think outside the box!"

Monday, 5 February 2007

Mother Nature

recycling bags, cardboard and xmas cards
walking everywhere even though it's about -2
pointing fingers at Range Rovers
using Heely's to commute to Glasgow
installing more traffic lights :- even though cars will stop more
spewing out more fumes ] clever clever
maybe take in a U2 gig. isn't Bono great
campaigning tirelessly for the rainforests
at political summits around the world.
even though he got there by private jet
undoing the last 3 years of his efforts

Mother Nature thanks you.

Saturday, 3 February 2007


Fun House

Finders Keepers

Rolf's Cartoon Show

Art Attack


You Bet

Space hoppers

Space invaders

Trick or treating

Super Mario I

Magnetic fish


Bouncy castles





That first crush

Bike races with other kids

Um bongo


The bogeyman suit

Laughing in the

fresh cut grass and

knowing your whole life

was ahead of you