Wednesday, 28 January 2009

a time to kill (25 random things...)

Boredom is the trump card.



Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)


25. I've almost drowned three times and as a result have a phobia of water.

24. I'm paranoid about bees, wasps, and other irrational flying insects in general.

23. One of the best years of my life was being at Bungle in Leeds.

22. Whitney Houston was one of the first artists I ever listened to.

21. While I can control my fingers on a piano quite well, I am actually very clumsy with cups of coffee.

20. I enjoy going to Black Sheep on a Friday night because it perpetuates the myth I'll actually pull.

19. My musical taste isn't, as some think, limited to punk and rock. I also dabble in classical, jazz, blues, and ethnic music.

18. When I was 15, one of my cats practically clawed off one of my testicles.

17. When I was even younger, I rode my BMX bike straight into the only dustbin for miles at Carshalton Park. I fell head first into it and smelt of trash for about a week!

16. I blew up the cooker in my house.

15. When I was hungover in Leeds, I washed my car with a scouring pad.

14. I tried to win a scholarship back to prep school at age 5 but failed it because I didn't know who the sixth president of Russia was.

13. I'm secretly obsessed with House MD, even though it's not as good as it was.

12. While my mother gave birth to me, my dad was busy watching the ladies final at Wimbledon in another room.

11. My childhood TV viewing consisted of Rolf Harris, Pat Sharpe, Neil Buchanan, Bob Holness, Jon Fashanu, and David Bowie.

10. I think summer is truly the best season all year around.

9. I think I could have probably found a job in the music industry by now, if only I was born and had studied 20 years earlier. Shit.

8. I would probably vote Conservative. Sure, they're not perfect either but on balance they are almost certainly the lesser of two evils.

7. I dived into a skip when drunk to search for "treasure".

6. Having babies is the last thing on my mind - actual sex would be a good first step.

5. There are times when I wonder how people remain so hopeful and optimistic given all the negativity in the world.

4. I advocate atheism. Most international conflict in the last 200 years would be obliterated if there was no such thing as religion.

3. While I don't like my job, with virtually 3 million unemployed in the country I'm more or less stuck where I am.

2. Ultimately I'd like to write music for a living, as a solo pianist, in a band or for film.

1. I believe that money might not make you happy, but it might make being unhappy easier to bear.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009



hope  you got through to BG.

I am concerned about contact with you; I think you have sent me a text 2x since you moved in and I have responded/acted upon instantly and yet I have rec'd no reply from you to my texts and the last email - to which everyone has sent a response.

I do understand that we did not go through your room for a through check but I know re the chips in the wardrobe and the drawer corners etc as I checked it out with tizzy when she left dec 23rd. 
However, pl reply to my messages if you can and let me know that your DPS HAS ARRIVED.



Am beginning to have serious doubts about Christine's suitability as my landlady. It is one thing to express concern that I am not keeping in contact with her - and yet this seems a somewhat falsified concern, given that nothing in the house has gone wrong - but it is quite another thing altogether to be so ridiculously patronising, typing whole sentences in UPPERCASE TO REALLY HAMMER YOUR POINT HOME. I feel like screaming at the bitch that she is talking to someone with two degrees, a very high IQ and someone of above average intelligence. Come to think of it, she hasn't even spelt her own name right at the end of the email. Lol.

Monday, 12 January 2009

gas man cometh


Hi all,

I popped in Sunday to read the meter as the weather has been so cold. sit down now with a nice drink!

My estimate is that the last 2 weeks cost you £129 so £30 each which is £20 more than I allocate in your bill payment for a 2 week period. Your electricity , in my calcu;ation was bout the same as b4 and as last year at this time. About £12+per month.

I suggest that you prepare to pay an extra £10 a week in gas if you keep the house heated most of the time. This is fine by me..

The next meter reading will be March 3rd so I need to have your extra cash in by the end of Feb. please.

At present I need you to choose when to pay an extra £20 to A&L on your £50 bill as long as I have it well b4 march 8th [ when I pay the gas].

Alternatively you can ring with the real meter readings and get the accurate costings almost as often as you like.

I am conmcerned that you will think I am horrid about this but actually I'm trying to make sure no -one gets a £200 bill which they'd loose off their deposit.

Pl could you tell me if you have rec'd notificatio fof DPS deposits recently?

I'm going to get my own house gas reading this am and just don't want to do it at all!

Pl keep in touch, Xine


I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm getting fucked here. I appreciate that the price of gas and electricity has risen in the last year, but to charge each of us the equivalent of £60 a month is absolutely criminal. I will be ringing each company individually to ascertain the real figures.

Saturday, 3 January 2009


This house is actually doing my head in. I'm the only one 'living' here at the moment, on account of the fact that everyone else has gone home to see their relatives for the Christmas period. It is unbearably quiet here, save for the occasional morning where the small Chinese boy starts crying next door.

The others won't be back until the middle of January. Perhaps it's just me, but I have always been accustomed in my uni days to get to know my housemates, and try my hardest to become friends with them. It's obviously a lot harder to do this when they're not around. For now, it seems clear that I should try and expand my range of social activities so that these situations don't happen so much in the future.