Sunday, 20 September 2009

je me plaisir

Yesterday was my last day at work, and I'm now on two weeks well-needed holiday! In other better news, I also made the new Hybrid team at my badminton club, so expect to see me lifting a racket over the coming weeks in the name of competitive team sport to earn some points for my club :)

Sunday, 13 September 2009

car stuff for Cornwall

Well, the Cornwall holiday begins in 10 days time, so tomorrow I will be getting all the car stuff done and dusted. We drove to Horsham today to see the grandparents for awhile, but noticed that the rear left tyre was pretty soft and low on pressure. These are the things that need to be done:

1) Check the rear left tyre pressure to see if it's consistent.
2) Clean the damn car!
3) Use the Loctite to seal the aerial in place.
4) Check the right front speaker wiring.

Monday, 7 September 2009


While briefly glancing over some particularly old blogs from 2004-2005, I've just realised how much effort and energy I used to spend writing them. They seem (to me at least) erudite, insightful, and analytical, often to the point of anal retardation. I wonder if the lack of similarly thoughtful recent output is due to me feeling more frustrated at the various dichotomies or the inherent unfairness of the world; more tired with the repetitious, mundane existence I call a job; or more indifferent to the sheer implausibility that a complete grounding and two degrees in music could be anything other than gross timewasting?

Sunday, 6 September 2009

band website

Doing some research on domains and how to buy one for the band. Unfortunately most of the 'good' Modulus ones (.com,, and so on) are taken, though every single Modulustheband one is available. What do you lot think?

Saturday, 5 September 2009

autumn chill

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed it's getting noticeably fresher outdoors at the moment?

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

the best email I have ever received

Mr. Gray

Deposit Protection Service (DPS)

Further to my previous email, the adjudicator has now provided a response to your recent queries regarding the decision. Their response is as follows:

“I have reviewed this case and am satisfied that the agreement was for a fixed period of 2 months, rather than 6. The issue was that there was a separate agreement attached to the pro-forma tenancy agreement, which stated that the fixed period was in fact 2 months. The Landlord only provided the pro-forma document which indicated it was 6 months.

However, reviewing the papers I am satisfied that the Tenant did provide, but I missed or overlooked, a copy of the addendum agreement for 2 months, and that therefore my decision was wrong. The only award made was in respect of rent due for the remainder of the “fixed term”. However, having reviewed the case I am satisfied that the fixed term had in fact expired, and therefore the Landlord received the £380 deposit in error as it should have been refunded to the Tenant.”

In light of the adjudicators comments, the DPS has taken the step to raise a cheque payable to you in the sum of £380 which will be sent shortly under separate cover.

Please note that the adjudicators comments above do not affect the validity of the decision which remains final and binding.

We hope that this clarifies matters for you and clarifies the position of the DPS.

Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Louisa Smith

Case Handler

The Deposit Protection Service
T +44 (0)844 4727 000

The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6AA, United Kingdom



From: Jamie Gray []
Sent: 27 July 2009 15:35
To:; #UK CS BRS Deposit Protection Disputes
Subject: Complaint RE: Deposit ID 11218086

To whom it may concern,

RE: Deposit ID 11218086

I wish to complain about the ADR service provided to me.

The adjudicator who dealt with my case has awarded the full deposit amount to my landlady, on determining that the tenancy agreement was fixed for a period of six months.

This is the basis of my complaint: nowhere in the tenancy agreement I have sent does it state that the tenancy is for a fixed six month period. The landlady omitted writing any term on the front of the AST F301E form, which you will be able to see from my attachment, and she also included a separate 2 sheet addendum to the agreement marked F301E - "additional and highlighted points", which clearly specifies - and I quote verbatim - that this is an "agreement for minimum of 2 months letting of room."

It is therefore beyond me how your adjudicator has managed to determine the tenancy period was fixed for six months, when the landlady has provided me with paperwork, which contradicts her claim, and consequently your decision.

The landlady has deliberately misled you as to the term the agreement was for, and I am disappointed that you did not originally spot this when looking over the paperwork. Please could you reconsider the situation, as I believe your judgment to be incorrect, and I have the evidence to support this in writing. Furthermore, when the minimum term of 2 months was originally agreed, this was witnessed by two property professionals, who are both willing to confirm that the minimum term was agreed for 2 months and not for 6 months!

Your attention in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I cannot afford to lose this money, and believe that I have been unfairly dealt with.

I await your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Jamie Gray

Encls: PDF copy of both AST agreement and addendum.
