Wednesday, 26 May 2004

existential turmoil and joy

It's been a fair while since I last posted anything here ... time really does fly by. When I eventually die I hope to float and linger around the world to see everything I'm missing, as I'm certain a mere human existence lasting 100 odd years, if that, isn't enough to take in all the spectacular experiences the world has to offer. Or, if God had his way, I could be reincarnated.

Life is good. I have accepted a job offer at Chessington (some of you may laugh at that) but truth be told, that's all there is this summer. The temp agencies are dead (apologies for continuing the morbid theme of this entry) - I have been into no less than three separate agencies, each of which informing me that they could offer me nothing at that point in time. So it was either Chessington or nothing, and I am pleased to say that I will be a rides attendant as of Friday. Since I have also passed the additional written test to operate a ride (with the best score in the induction group of 79/90) I will have the chance to raise my pay to £4.85/hr from £4.65/hr. This does not count the end of season 15p/hr bonus should you and the company make its objectives. I have a funny (and very cynical) view that even if the theme park did meet its profit margins, the CEOs would withhold that information from us so they could deliberately not pay scores of employees £150 each. It makes complete sense. To me, anyway.

This was day 2 of induction, then, which we are also paid to turn up for. This is a good thing. I have earnt about £50 for sitting on my butt for somewhere around 11 hours. Even better, the fine girl that interviewed me was the same girl, no less, who took us for induction. I failed one of the written tests by 1 mark (my score was 44/50 and the pass was 45/50) but I swear she liked me as she passed me anyway. She's not in my area sadly, but I guess I'll get to know her better at one of the many socials. And there are lots.

I have just found a party invitation on my dad's desk in the study inviting us (duh) to "Paul and Margaret's party on July 3". I don't even know who they are...

My faith in the kindness of people has been strongly reinvigorated today after witnessing a young Hindi girl helping an old elderly (white) blind man across a zebra crossing, made even more remarkable by the number of 'boundaries' crossed in the process; age, race, disability, and so forth.

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