A minor tautology is the understatement of the month, yet this baffling film-score vocabulary - synchresistically synchronised synchresisms - seems at the heart of my Herrmann module. Mickey-mousing is what they call it in the movies when the music closely follows the action (e.g. Donald Duck falls down stairs, cue orchestral imitation of falling down stairs (cymbal clash, comical brass and wind, etc.)) and synchretic music is the music corresponding to the relationship between what you see and what you hear. It's not quite mickey-mousing but it's not not mickey-mousing, either. Synchretic music can be subject to synchresistic procedures which may also be known as synchresisms. These new words come from a combination of synthesis and synchronism. (Just wait until you have synthesised synchresistically synchronised synchresisms...)
My first real day of work today, also. My shift was 8am-11am and 5pm-9pm. I was supposed to be up at 6.45 for my morning shift but managed to oversleep and get up at ... 8am. I rang the sick line to say that the traffic was heavy and arrived at 8.45, at which point my manager told me to go on break and start at 9am, then do an extra hour to last until 12. Thing is, I was really into my work, so I ended up finishing at 12.30 (not paid, don't ask me why I did that...) and I managed to collect about £700 for GE today. Yay. The dumbarses at Kelly Services have also found out that they posted my paycheck for last week to my old residence at Knowle Road, which is very helpful, but they're gonna stop the cheque and issue me a new one since I can't be bothered to head over there and pick it up. I won't be minted come Friday either, since it's all going on the piece of plastic we commonly call a credit card. Damn those evil things.
Pleased as I have also started a good portion of the 5th (out of 16) song for my rock opera. So far I think I have managed to bring a decent variety of material into my work, but with the music school being typical as usual with half the tutors away on holiday in the middle of term, I suppose it will have to wait until later this month before I can show anyone the progress I have made. By which point they willl probably tell me it's all bullshit and I'll be left shitting bricks before the December deadline, but hell, you wouldn't be a student if you didn't, I suppose.
Went to see Joss Stone play at LUU last night with a couple of guys from my house. Tell you the truth I was quite impressed with the set, and I wasn't expecting much either, but the girl can sing. I just hope she doesn't sell out to the core audience after 2 albums like Charlotte Church. Particularly impressed with the integration of the gospel singers into the typified funk structures. It all basically comes down, as Ben said, to 'call and response'. It's how workers in the slave fields of America in the 1800s used to communicate with each other throughout the long, arduous working day. It's how choirs communicate with each other from various sides of the vestibules and spaces within the church. And, above all, it is a natural way of equalizing texture and making sure that no one singer hogs the limelight too much. The fact that Joss was as fit as fuck was a bonus, of course. Haha.
Ah well. Maybe this time next year ppl will want to see me play piano in a band. Who knows what the future holds? (cheese alert!)
Tired. Off to bed. Bonne nuit.
Book of the month: Waiting, by Ha Jin.
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