Thursday, 28 April 2005

because the student got kicked out of uni for doing no work

Quick work update.
2 modules remain: Braxton (20 creds) and major composition. (40 creds)
Deadline is 9 May.

Braxton presentation report: 550/500 words (10% upper limit achieved)
Braxton essay: 1100/4000 words (going for 4,400)

Major Comp
3 compositions
Comp 1: 100%
Comp 2: 83%
Comp 3: 89%

3 orchestrations
Orch 1: 100%
Orch 2: 100%
Orch 3: 0%

6 commentaries
Comp 1:
Comp 2: 100%
Comp 3: 100%
Orch 1: 0%
Orch 2: 100%
Orch 3: 0%

Then to get it all bound ... crap. PS: I have wasted precisely 13 minutes updating this blogger which I could've been using to do my essay. C'est la vie.

Friday, 22 April 2005

young voter does the Right thing. Conservative Party seemed ecstatic at appeal to young voters

Who should I vote for?

Labour -21

Conservative 74
Liberal Democrat -66

UK Independence Party 35
Green -6

This rather neat diagram should tell you something. I particularly love the fuss at the moment about the postal voting fraud scam, especially those who try and portray the Tories as being the biggest scammers of them all, but hmmm??? a quick glance at the facts tells you that it was in fact a LABOUR councillor who got jailed for fixing over 20,000 votes! Nice try there, Whitehall spin machine.

Edit on tax: Obviously I strongly disagree with taxing rich people anymore than they already ridiculously are. Good old Labour, with its policy of "let's screw the rich people and just chuck it all over to the suburbs where the poor people are". This has 2 consequences:
1. The rich people have less money, therefore they won't exactly want to vote Labour will they? Because let's face it, everyone likes having money.
2. The poor people get the rich people's money for free, so they won't want to bloody work anyway because they're surviving on handouts made from other people's inheritances/hard work/acumen.

Edit on immigration: A personal favourite of mine. You've got to love how bleeding-heart liberal this country is. You can hear it now: "yes, we don't care what creed, colour or religion you are, you're welcome here." Even more amusing is when these immigrants can't drive yet buy one-step-away-from-scrapheap cars, and kill people. I wonder if I would receive such a warm welcome if I went to China or India, soaking up state benefits, making hardworking people's lives a misery. Fat fucking chance.

Edit on 'free care for the elderly': Nice election gimmick there Mr Kennedy. Unfortunately it's completely unworkable because the population as a whole is getting older, therefore over time more and more people will claim such care, placing higher levels of demand on the limited number of qualified carers who exist. Since their skills will be in higher demand they can afford to charge the state more, costing the government more.

Edit on transport: The Lib Dems can be utter twats when it comes to this. I wish they'd stop painting motorists as the devil. In my local borough they have plans to introduce 5 or 6 traffic lights along a half mile stretch, flogging it off to the public as a safety measure. Is it fuck - it's got one of the lowest accident rates in the whole town. So what are the consequences of even more traffic lights?
1. Even more congestion. This isn't rocket science. If you make cars stop more it will take them longer to complete a journey. DUH!
2. Even more pollution. This still isn't rocket science. Cars burn more fuel when starting from standstill as opposed to moving fluidly without stopping. This will probably placate all the tree-hugging bloody liberals who care about the environment no end.

Edit on crime: More liberalism, unfortunately. The government is presented with this problem: "Oh Mr Blair sir, we've got a problem, more people are being sent to prison and they're getting all full up. What are we going to do sir?" "Oh I know. Let's set up an early release scheme so they can go back to where they came from and terrorise their communities!" *Applause*
[2nd edit: At this time only the Conservative party are committed to building more prisons and sending 250,000 more people to jail] The Lib Dem stance isn't much better. "Prison isn't the answer", according to one of their white papers. Then, er, what is? Putting them all on pretty fast-track vocational schemes to give them more qualifications than people who worked harder and better? Oh hang on, you already did that number. Bloody idiots.

Sunday, 17 April 2005

video game company posts net profit for the quarter of £230m : Green Day

Excellent nostalgic interview with Billie-Jo above. (Nostalgic in the sense that it was first published around 1994)

Today I have played lots of Quake 3 and not done nearly as much work. I noticed that, although I said my dissertation was proving to be a bitch in an earlier post, it seemed to sort itself out in the end. So I fervently hope the same will happen to my 4000 word essay and 10 min presentation, (300 words and 6 mins respectively) not to mention Composition, which I'm majoring in. (1/3 orchestration done, 2/3 composition done)

The deadline for it all is May 10. Loaf's birthday is the day after so undoubtedly a massive bender will ensue. For now, here's to many more long nights in working.

Saturday, 9 April 2005

company admitted corporate negligence and settled

Q: Why are there so many tits on the road?
A: Because pikey girls can't get their prams out the way in time.


This is the most monumentally boring half term I think I have ever been party to. In fact, Les Dennis is probably the height of adventure and excitement by comparison. At present I am writing an essay on Anthony Braxton, an obscure Afro-American composer who has the misfortune of looking like Jeremy Beadle if the latter was wearing a pink thong and sporting super-long sideburns.

My chronic tedium is perhaps best illustrated by my calling up BT to inquire as to why the broadband wasn't working. When I eventually managed to get through to someone at their call centre after being on hold for upwards of 20 minutes, I was placed on hold immediately while the guy "talked to his manager" - unfortunately for him he hadn't pressed mute and I could hear him having a natter with his co-workers - who then transferred me to another guy, who couldn't help, who in turn passed me on to a completely-wet-behind-the-ears girl. At this point I was so mad at waiting for so long and having the problem still unresolved that I requested to speak to a manager. When I did eventually reach the manager, he advised me to go online and fill out an online question form.

Sometimes I despair for this country.