Monday, 18 July 2005

shrouded in mystery as the student failed to appear at the graduation ceremony

It's astonishing to think how quickly the last 3 years have gone. Analogically, I suppose the most meaningful comparison would be with a sped up tape. It has imparted a curious, mild form of depression onto me, as though I am (well, were) a bright-eyed fresher in 2002, now complete with degree certificate - just one more student on the boundless conveyor belt of higher education, a mere minion in this machine which I can never hope to change.

Curiosity impels me to think deeply about how things can change so quickly. The pubs which I and others once used to frequent will now be taken over by groups of younger students, the next batch. The nightclubs we all danced in and got drunk in will become someone else's pulling ground. It fascinates me how the places and ultimate experience remain the same, but the people are different.

Rather than be filled with joy for graduating well - although I am pleased - the hardest part in life is still to come. A certificate does not necessarily guarantee a job; a graduate does not necessarily make a successful husband, father, son. Creative arts industries are not always about the level to which you are intellectually capable, but the contacts whom you know and the positions you can get yourself into. Artistic success is one of the hardest things to capture, for a great many of us are very talented yet fail to impact upon their desired sector.

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