Tuesday, 7 February 2006

Gutshot, straight, out.

Think this is the 1st time I’ve posted here two days in a row lol. So I did improve my holdem record. I bought £10-1000 chips. I went up to 5000, after a big win with pocket kings. Then I tried a bluff but that went pear shaped and I went down to 3000. I went all in with a pair of tens. The guy next to me called with K/J before the flop, and he flopped his pair of kings. That left me with 250 chips and by this time the blinds were 500/1000. Aaaaargh!!!

I waited for a good hand to come around but it never came. I was forced to put my stack for the big blind, and when I got my cards I didn’t even look at them. In the end, I went out with 7/2. That really took the piss. Although I did make 2 pair, another guy got his straight on the flop. Eliminated by another fucking straight. My final position was 11th, one away from the final table. It turned out that the top 9 players got paid instead of the top 5. So I was only 2 places from getting some money back.

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