Monday, 16 October 2006


Stick your arm straight out in front of you. Then move your arm anti-clockwise at – as near as possible – a smooth fixed speed. Find out the time for which your arm was exactly at a point P
As delta x (the very small value for which your arm was at that particular point P) tends to zero, then the frequency density calculations with points P1, P2, P3, etc. will tend towards 1/0. Of course, nothing can ever be divided by 0, so therefore your arm never really moved at all…

Thursday, 12 October 2006

Dropout takes on snooker legend

Guess where I was on Monday/Tuesday ……yeah well everyone else is busy and it’s too boring at home. Anyway, I was playing on a £25-£50 game and after a decent run I decided to switch table. Simon, 1 of the dealers, started up a £50 round of each. That is, 4 rounds of Hold'em, then 4 rounds of Omaha. So I joined and was doing OK, with 6 players on the table it was a good laugh with great banter.

After about half an hour, a new player came along and took the seat directly beside me. Though he was no ordinary player. It was none other than 6 times snooker world champion STEVE DAVIS!!!. Yeah, that’s right; I played poker against a legend. But it was damn hard to get any money off him; he’s a super rock, folding nearly all his hands. He’s a very nice guy, down-to-earth, not a bad word to say about him.

Moving on to Tuesday, I reached the final table of the £20 freezeout. I finished 8th. My final hand was A-Q on the button. I ran into A-K small blind and 7-7 big blind. Ouch.

Gonna take a week break from there, apply for a job and see where fate takes me. Have a great weekend people!!

Wednesday, 11 October 2006


Had three jobs earlier this week, now down to one. Unfortunately the remaining one is a crummy supermarket job that a 16 year old kid could do, so it's good to see university education being so worthwhile! On the other hand, money's tight, so I don't have an option.

The Masters course is going quite well although it is slow and uninspiring in places. Tonight's lecture was a prime example, in which the lecturer's sole teaching method was to read verbatim off handouts. Incredibly boring.

Feel like pouring myself a drink, collapsing into bed and watching Scrubs, Simpsons or something comedic...

Tuesday, 3 October 2006


Observations, thoughts, minutiae.
Sodium yellow street lights.
Mechanised computer hum.
mox, nox totam rem abstulit ['soon, night will subtract colour from all things']
Gliding along an invisible vector.
Carmine burning from the aether.
Our employers encourage us to extend our horizons. Yet they also bind our arms with a million health and safety directives.
Intransigence. Complete obstinacy.
Tenderized moonlight coalescing.
A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Wonder powers: burlesque. Form of: literature
The haruspiciously inclined, the naysayers: "Jamie's romantically doomed." Uh oh.
Question 9: If it takes two men three days to slip on a spillage in four shopping centres and successfully sue the management, how many lawsuits can be brought before said management goes bankrupt?
This monochrome palindrome, this prescribed nonsense, this tragicomedic experience.
Adjacent to the curvaceous figure of the voluptuous maiden was a homeless man; unshaven, filthily clothed and a fetid air of urine about him. But he held the answers and the keys.

Sunday, 1 October 2006


The general election is a long way off but I sincerely hope that the Conservatives win. Yes, the party has faults, but these pale into insignificance when you consider the nanny-state arrogance pervading the present government. It seems people around the country agree:

1) The few die-hard Labour supporters on here, who keep harping on about "people have forgotten the horrors of the Tory years" are living in a dream world. A lot of new voters, who have been able to vote only under Labour have no idea how comparatively clean the Tories were compared to the sleaze, scandal and spin of New Labour. I can remember vividly the good, and the bad points of the Tory years, and I know which one I would rather live under. At least we would have a little more control over our own destiny, immigration would be under scrutiny, crime would be lower due to tougher sentencing.
--> -->andysurf100, St.Austell, United Kingdom
--> -->
Recommended by 59 people

2) Everyone knows labour is a complete joke! What i can't get me head round is why did the people of this country vote them back in last year?

The problems we have now haven't just crept up on us now, they were there for all to see before the election.

Next time do the country a favour and give labour the boot
Big W
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Recommended by 42 people

3) I find it totally incomprehensible that they stand up with pride. They should be thoroughly ashamed of the damage they have done to this country and its people with their greed, arrogance and downright incompetence. Blair and his cronies will long be remembered as a bunch of destructive asset strippers
--> -->farmerbill, Whimple, United Kingdom
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Recommended by 45 people

4) If Labour get in at another election, then I'm leaving the country!
--> -->Chris, Ashford (middx)
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Recommended by 16 people