Tuesday, 3 October 2006


Observations, thoughts, minutiae.
Sodium yellow street lights.
Mechanised computer hum.
mox, nox totam rem abstulit ['soon, night will subtract colour from all things']
Gliding along an invisible vector.
Carmine burning from the aether.
Our employers encourage us to extend our horizons. Yet they also bind our arms with a million health and safety directives.
Intransigence. Complete obstinacy.
Tenderized moonlight coalescing.
A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Wonder powers: burlesque. Form of: literature
The haruspiciously inclined, the naysayers: "Jamie's romantically doomed." Uh oh.
Question 9: If it takes two men three days to slip on a spillage in four shopping centres and successfully sue the management, how many lawsuits can be brought before said management goes bankrupt?
This monochrome palindrome, this prescribed nonsense, this tragicomedic experience.
Adjacent to the curvaceous figure of the voluptuous maiden was a homeless man; unshaven, filthily clothed and a fetid air of urine about him. But he held the answers and the keys.

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