Thursday, 27 March 2008


Isn’t it funny? When you’re a fresh-faced kid in primary school, the possibilities of your imagination are limitless. Wherever you go, whatever you do, there is nothing beyond reach.

Then a few more years pass. Primary school turns into high school, high school turns into university and then you’re thrust out into the open world. Unless you’re lucky enough to have been doing what you wanted all your life, you’ll probably end up in a dead end job for a while trying to pay back student loans.

Which begs the question, why go to university or college at all? The tangible benefit of going to university isn’t as clear-cut as it was twenty years ago. Now that you can do a degree in fucking David Beckham studies, loads more people are taking degrees. The upshot of this is that the value of a degree is a lot less than it was.

The natural conclusion of this is that several people are probably stuck in jobs they hate, or have no idea why they’re doing them. All because of money when they were students.

And then, in an effort to thwart the student loan vultures, life becomes a sequence of 60 hour weeks with a neat nine hour gap daily for microwaving dinner, glancing at the news, sleeping, getting up and doing it all over again.

Of course, the dear government taxing 22% doesn’t help either. It merely takes longer to repay all that was borrowed. How can these hypocrites who run the country outline these so-called "visions" for England’s future whilst simultaneously offering no incentive to better yourself?

That is the point at which the realities of life crush whatever childhood ambitions you once held.

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