I note with increasing disdain that the current Government's big idea of getting out of this economic crisis is to borrow more money in order to provide a "fiscal stimulus." But hang on, wasn't irresponsible lending (borrowing) the prime cause of this in the first place? All of this from an unelected prime minister who is whoring himself around the EU like he's omnipotent.
This present Government inherited a perfectly serviceable economy in 1997. Since then, under the watchful (and no doubt admiring) gaze of bumchum Blair, dearest Brown has seen fit to increase income tax to 22% and 40% dependant on earnings, implode pensions, sell off a sizeable chunk of the national gold reserves, and redistribute wealth. (read: make the poor rich by making the rich poor) This is, of course, not to mention the huge amounts of waste that go on unelected quangos, think tanks, committees, advisors, spin doctors, etc.
At last count there were 126 directors at Transport for London each earning £100,000 a year or more. The unions should be fucking ashamed of themselves, but, fascist Nazis that they are, they will no doubt go on strike when their next undeserved pay rise rolls in, and blame the incumbent government for it. In a completely unrelated service, there is a job advertisement in Wiltshire for a "teenage pregnancy co-ordinator", whose starting salary is £42,000. At the time of writing I am unsure if the purpose of this job is to advocate conceptions or discourage them.
The worst thing about this situation is that it was completely foreseeable. Since Lehman Brothers went bust, the Government has borrowed £32 billion shoring up national assets - and don't think for a split second it's going to come out the gilt-edged pensions of Mandelson, Blair et al. There are two obvious ways to remedy the situation: spend less, or raise taxes. Historically, since Labour governments have a dire record in money management, the obvious option that Brown advocates is to tax you more. The knock-on effect is that you have less disposable money in your wallet, less money to spend in the free economy, and so the whole cycle repeats itself. For Mandelson to turn around and accuse the Tories or George Osborne of "doom and gloom politics" is at best nonsensical. Can you even begin to imagine the reaction if the Conservatives claimed that, economically, all is well? All of this from a compulsive lying scumbag who illegally fixed passports for the Hinduja brothers, lost his Hartlepool seat, and, more recently, appears to be fascinated with sucking the cocks of Russian magnates like Deripaska.
So to recap:
Mandelson: A walking liability. Offer him a blank cheque and he'll probably let you piss in his mouth.
Brown: Served as Chancellor of the Exchequer since 1997, now unelected Prime Minister, and therefore completely culpable with regard to economic matters.
Blair: Of course, he's the champion of the working man, the Joe Schmo in the street. Never mind that he has six houses and an idiotic bitch of a wife who's made a career out of the Human Rights Act. (which coincidentally has opened the door to a whole new generation of ambulance chasers and litigation)
Darling: Has absolutely no idea, business leaders in the City have zero confidence in him. Latest "big idea" is to tax rich people even more.
Quite why 30% of this country still seems willing to vote for these self-serving fuckwits is completely beyond my comprehension.
This present Government inherited a perfectly serviceable economy in 1997. Since then, under the watchful (and no doubt admiring) gaze of bumchum Blair, dearest Brown has seen fit to increase income tax to 22% and 40% dependant on earnings, implode pensions, sell off a sizeable chunk of the national gold reserves, and redistribute wealth. (read: make the poor rich by making the rich poor) This is, of course, not to mention the huge amounts of waste that go on unelected quangos, think tanks, committees, advisors, spin doctors, etc.
At last count there were 126 directors at Transport for London each earning £100,000 a year or more. The unions should be fucking ashamed of themselves, but, fascist Nazis that they are, they will no doubt go on strike when their next undeserved pay rise rolls in, and blame the incumbent government for it. In a completely unrelated service, there is a job advertisement in Wiltshire for a "teenage pregnancy co-ordinator", whose starting salary is £42,000. At the time of writing I am unsure if the purpose of this job is to advocate conceptions or discourage them.
The worst thing about this situation is that it was completely foreseeable. Since Lehman Brothers went bust, the Government has borrowed £32 billion shoring up national assets - and don't think for a split second it's going to come out the gilt-edged pensions of Mandelson, Blair et al. There are two obvious ways to remedy the situation: spend less, or raise taxes. Historically, since Labour governments have a dire record in money management, the obvious option that Brown advocates is to tax you more. The knock-on effect is that you have less disposable money in your wallet, less money to spend in the free economy, and so the whole cycle repeats itself. For Mandelson to turn around and accuse the Tories or George Osborne of "doom and gloom politics" is at best nonsensical. Can you even begin to imagine the reaction if the Conservatives claimed that, economically, all is well? All of this from a compulsive lying scumbag who illegally fixed passports for the Hinduja brothers, lost his Hartlepool seat, and, more recently, appears to be fascinated with sucking the cocks of Russian magnates like Deripaska.
So to recap:
Mandelson: A walking liability. Offer him a blank cheque and he'll probably let you piss in his mouth.
Brown: Served as Chancellor of the Exchequer since 1997, now unelected Prime Minister, and therefore completely culpable with regard to economic matters.
Blair: Of course, he's the champion of the working man, the Joe Schmo in the street. Never mind that he has six houses and an idiotic bitch of a wife who's made a career out of the Human Rights Act. (which coincidentally has opened the door to a whole new generation of ambulance chasers and litigation)
Darling: Has absolutely no idea, business leaders in the City have zero confidence in him. Latest "big idea" is to tax rich people even more.
Quite why 30% of this country still seems willing to vote for these self-serving fuckwits is completely beyond my comprehension.
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