Monday, 27 April 2009

the end of Avon Close

I notified my landlady, Christine Holyhead, exactly a month ago that I wished to vacate my room at Avon Close. There are several reasons why I have chosen to do this, each as valid as the next, although two reasons stick out in particular: one, my life of quiet solitude, revolving around work, eating, and sleeping had led me to become evermore reclusive and at some point I developed a worrying gambling habit that definitely needed nipping in the bud; two, these aforementioned reclusive tendencies developed because the houseshare was not the most social or extrovert house one could find. In other words, all the current tenants of the property live their lives according to their own agendas, never seeking to find company from anyone else in the house or even to spend some time getting to know one another. Increasingly over the last two or three weeks, I found myself disillusioned by this social fragmenting, and did not particularly ascribe to this way of life. I have always thought it important to try and get to know your housemates, and interact with them in a mutually compatible way.

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