Saturday, 21 November 2009

He's back! Better, stronger, faster, and even more invincible.

Hello Jamie, hello all. Yup, I'm back on the blogger! Can you believe its been more than 2 years since I last posted on this website. And that was when I was on holiday in India in an internet cafe, waiting countless days for my sister to choose a sari for her wedding. HA!

Anyway since then, not much has happened. My sister Janani got married to Arpan, back in August 2007. I left CCA, the call centre in 2008. Managed to close all my online betting accounts. I learnt that doing your bollocks on rigged sites is not the way to go.

At the beginning of 2009 I joined Srishti, a dance company, as a freelance musician. For 3 months we toured the UK. The show consisted of a contemporary Indian classical dance, backed by 4 musicians. Myself on flute, Eason(percussion), Karthik (violin) and Yadavan(vocals). It was the best job I've ever had. I'd get paid for going to rehearsals and obviously performances. Rehearsals would last for 3-4 hours, so not even a full working day. And they were only held 2-3 days a week! Fantastic!

In April I joined Sheraton Hotel, near Heathrow as a guest service agent. The first few weeks involved on-the-job training. It included working in switchboard, concierge and reception. Eventually I was working in reception, checking in/out guests. The job got a little monotonous so I left to pursue a greater dream.

Alas, there were no other convincing roles around, so I was back to square one, looking for temp jobs like customer service and telesales. After a few posts as a market researcher and a sales advisor for a make over company, I've been jobhunting for the last 2 months. Its been tough, but in between I have managed to play a few gigs with my old guitar teacher, Kangai. He's a full time teacher/musician and has his own group, Priya Rhythms, with whom I have been performing with. We mostly play classic Indian film music with a hint of 'Baila', which I think is a popular form of Sri Lankan folk music.

Anyway, here I am on a Saturday evening, pondering going to a Sri Lankan gig called 'Kalai Karangal', organised by one of the percussion teachers at my old Tamil school. I've already missed the 1st half, maybe I should attend the 2nd.....c ya later!

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