Thursday, 25 February 2010

Hybrid badminton match 8/10: one of the three

Wow, I haven't posted on here for a long time, have I? Mostly due to several loose ends in various sections of my life needing tying up - band, badminton, etc. I've decided to be an uber-nerd today and compile a list of various statistics for the Hybrid team that played this game against Howard, a team from Leatherhead:

L1: Sarah
L2: Helen
M1: Nick
M2: Krish
M3: Chris
M4: Jamie


Nick & Sarah                    M1      L1                    Lost
Krish & Helen                 M2      L2                   Won
Nick & Krish                     M1      M2                  Lost
Nick & Chris                     M1      M3                  Won
Sarah & Chris                  M3      L1                    Lost
Sarah & Helen                L1        L2                   Won
Helen & Jamie                 L2       M4                  Won
Krish & Jamie                  M2      M4                  Lost
Chris & Jamie                  M3      M4                  Lost


Sarah                                   W1      L2       T3
Helen                                   W3      L0       T3
Nick                                      W1      L2       T3
Krish                                    W1      L2       T3
Chris                                    W1      L2       T3
Jamie                                   W1      L2       T3

TOTALS                                W8      L10     T18

Sarah                                   W5      L19     T24     P8      
Helen                                   W8      L1        T9       P3
Nick                                      W8      L4       T12     P4
Krish                                    W1      L2       T3       P1
Chris                                    W5      L10     T15     P5
Jamie                                   W1      L8       T9       P3      


Lost 4-5

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