Saturday, 24 December 2011

end of year review

Another year of my life drawing to a close - funny how the time flies. When you're in the thick of things you pay no attention to it, and when you have nothing to do you collapse into rose-tinted introspection. I'm not sure if I like the latter state of mind; I'd much prefer having things to keep me occupied than sink into a depressive, vegetative state. This is why I always try to fill my time with badminton, Ceroc, open mic nights, and other things.

This year has not been without its plus points:

- website launched with portfolio samples, bio, blog, and more
- Made captain of the Mens Fours team at my badminton club, St Andrews (currently undefeated in 3 games!)
- Put £600 worth of CDs, music books etc. on Amazon
- Most economical Christmas yet?!
- Made quite a few new friends at Ceroc and open mic
- Moved out of shitty Manor Road and into a much nicer, friendlier houseshare in Mollison Drive
- Hit budget in 2/12 months at work, not bad considering the "economic climate" (hate that phrase!)

Only one really negative point:


Not a lot going wrong otherwise.

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