Friday, 19 October 2012

badminton match 3

St Andrews 6
Fusion Leisure 0

Mens Fours Division 2

My team's first game of the season, and already racked with all manner of abstention. With five players not taking part, I was forced to call in three reserves, who are all stronger than the normal team. Our lineup in number order was Steve, me, Ringo and Kaz.

Steve & I were on first and won 21-10 21-13. Ringo and Kaz then won 21-11 21-13. Steve & Ringo won 21-16 21-4. Kaz & I won 21-15 21-11. Steve & Ringo won 21-17 21-17. To complete a clean sheet, Ringo and I won 21-16 21-19.

Fusion weren't helped by their captain admitting that they didn't even have a club night to practice their badminton on, as they were a small social side. Ron showed up to watch in his badminton gear, despite saying he didn't feel quick enough to play. He took it upon himself to coach their man 2, a young Indian boy, after the game, which could easily have been perceived as condescending given the rout we just inflicted upon them.

With the match completed by 21:30 there was still plenty of time for a knockabout, and it was good to see half of their team join in for some rotated doubles games. An excellent start to the season that we could hardly improve on, except for perhaps not giving away so many lazy points in the final rubber!

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