Sunday, 2 December 2012

Challoner school

Benno asked if I wanted to play in New Malden at Richard Challoner school yesterday afternoon. With little else on offer in my hectic social calendar I agreed. There were 4 courts available, feather shuttles, but bewilderingly, more kids than adults - Vibul runs a weekend coaching session. There were three other very good players there, one of these was Ben Offei (Banoffee Pie). So Banoffee got to meet Bennofee! Amusingly when it was Banoffee's turn to pick a game, he said he wanted a strong game and left Benno out. Not that this would've placated him for long as me and Banoffee lost. Overall an interesting afternoon but the Penguin players are, after all, used to matches 2 divisions above me.

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