St Andrews 6
Howard 0
Mens Fours Division 2
The new season started with a bang as I fielded a strong team against Howard. We had previously played them in the Hybrid section of the District League and they had some reasonable men, so I was unsure as to what side they would put out for the Fours. In the event, their men in this match were not as strong as thought. Total match duration was just 65 minutes. None of the 6 rubbers went to 3 ends and the score in at least one game of each rubber was 21-10 or less to us. Tonight's team was Martin, Steve, Ringo and myself. Chris H was playing on an adjacent court and was pretty unhappy to have been dropped, though last year he made just 3/8 matches; worse, I've had pressure from the powers that be to give games to players who aren't in any other teams, and avoid using the big guns like Martin & Steve. The politics roadshow continues...
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