Saturday, 28 August 2004

the fields of Staffordshire and the fields of South Africa

Sorry it's been a fair while since I posted. Life's been busy. (What a lie) Anyway I went to V on Sunday in Staffordshire, which was amazing! Not quite sure what Big Brovaz were doing at a rock festival. Another thing that struck me was how many old ppl there were at V. So much for rock standing for the music of the under-represented and rebel. Or perhaps that was the irony? Ubiquitous air of geriatricism aside, V was great. Even if I did have to stand around and wait over 9 hours for my idols Muse to come on! But it was worth it. I gave a thumbs up to Matt Bellamy who grinned at me idiotically and returned it. And the set was great. And I've started constructing sentences. Like an idiot. Excuse me.

Latterly been attempting to shore up a job in time for the start of uni, which isn't far away now. This year looks set to be great. It will also involve shredding my balls to - well, shreds - to get that First.

The subject of my rant today is "President" Mugabe. This has developed into a classic case of 'reverse apartheid' (discrimination against whites) on the basis of Mugabe's beliefs that when the EU invaded, (especially the UK) subduing Rhodesia in the process, farmland was illegally seized from black farmers and given to white ones. As I understand it he (or rather, the population acting on behalf of him) is killing white farmers and 'retrieving' the land for black farmers. My first problem is that the race of any given farmer does not, and should not, have any correlation with the productivity of a particular farm. My second problem is that when Europe invaded South Africa, they killed small numbers of Rhodesian farmers. This appears to be the basis of Mugabe's hatred towards the white farmers, so forming a seemingly unshakable view that he/his population is/are justified in killing the minorities. In my eyes, this makes him as bad as Hitler. Problem 3: not stopping the violence is tantamount to endorsing it. If he doesn't continue the slaughter he will be overthrown anyway, and Mugabe-rent-a-clone will appear to further the legacy. Politicians seem to forget that human life is one of the most precious commodities in the world. I have no idea how anyone would solve this problem, and I don't claim to be an authority on the matter. Ideas, ppl?

Listening to: Hootie and the Blowfish: "Cracked Rear View"

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