As one might cleverly deduce from the title, so-called 'animal lovers' are the subject of my slowly-burning hatred today. As if it wasn't enough trying to do something pro-active in your miserable shitty life by campaigning on behalf of animals who are below us in the food chain, you have to compound this by claiming that we should outlaw scientific research. Well it's your own fucking fault if you die of arthritis age 77 because scientists haven't developed a cure as they can't do any lab tests. I wish people would think before they spout so much shit.
On a lighter note, I was in a mood of much hilarity earlier today when I eyewitnessed what has to be the stupidest, most incompetent asinine prat in the history of the world attempt to casually drop a letter in the postbox at the top of my road, only for her to drop her fag into the 'box as well, thus managing to set off a not inconsiderable fire. Well, I know what most people would do in that situation, and that's to get the hell out of there then dial 999, but what does she do? She plants herself firmly at the top of my Most Idiotic People Ever list by trying to put the fire out, but only succeeded in catching her hair on fire instead. So this is why DV camcorders were put on earth ... besides filming your girlfriend, of course. The idiot lady in question was saved, (or rather, her hair was) however, courtesy of a quick-thinking resident and a bucket of water that looked as though a dozen cows had gotten diarrhoea and decided to empty their bowels simultaneously in the same bucket. A rather apt metaphor. I actually think today is the hardest I have ever laughed in my whole goddamn life.
This mood was sustained in the pub when I overheard a drunk old lady screech out: "I had two Pimps (Pimms) earlier". I briefly considered asking her whether she had indulged in both Pimps simultaneously before deciding that I didn't actually want to know the answer.
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