Saturday, 11 December 2004

is the lead singer of the band 'my chemical romance' and said

Bit of a bender last night, starting at 5pm in Old Bar, culminating in a wobbly walk home at 11.30 with Dan and Bob. It was a night of waiting for Bob to order at the bar, Lambrini-swigging black guys, and getting knocked up. (That last bit refers to having a few games of pool.) Much video footage was taken, most of which is now presented for your delectation on the Imagestation portion of my website. (Follow the link in my profile.)

The sense of release from giving all your semester's work in is unparalleled. One less millstone removed from around my neck, and liberty for 4 weeks until I return to symphonic analysis for the very last time in my career, during a 3-day take away paper in the middle of January next year. I was also very pleased with my efforts on my Herrmann essay, which you can read below but has since been slightly altered.

Have been making enquiries about staying on next year to my Herrmann tutor, also the Head of School, who has pointed me to one Graham Barber, the PG tutor. There's some conflicting advice being given out - the HoS says you need a decent First UG degree to apply for a Masters when I've heard that it's either a First or 2:1 elsewhere. I am definitely on course for a 2:1 but a First is debatable ... time will tell. It's getting to the stage where I need to think about applying for it if I want to do it, since I also need to confirm if I will be staying on at this house next year ... the only thing stopping me from staying here at the moment is the entry requirements to that pesky MMus. But then I'd be Mr Jamie Gray, BA (Hons), MMus, Esq. ... haha. More letters added after my name than are in my name. Delightful.

Skived off work today because I had a headache from drinking last night, and consequently couldn't face the monotony of a 10 hr shift in a call centre today. Instead I slept in, had some cereal and went with Ben and Dan to get some things at the supermarket for Xmas lunch for tomorrow, and have since spent the rest of the day eating KFC and playing PS2. The life of a student indeed.

I feel torn between going home and staying in Leeds. A part of me wants to stay around the people I've known for three years, but another part acknowledges that those same people will want to see their families at Christmas too, and still another part of me wants to re-visit my home in Surrey. It sounds strange to consider your lifelong home a second home but that's what it's become, an extension of my life rather than the focal point.

I still have nothing to do for New Year's Day, although I may play along with Dan's house-party gate-crashing. (?) Lol.

This is actually the funniest picture of Bob I have ever seen, and most probably ever will see.

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