I'm really tired so I will be brief tonight. Work has, and continues to, majorly stress me out - there's just so much of it, and before you all point your fingers and accuse me of being a slacker leaving everything till the 11th hour, that's so not the case... yesterday I had a friend from my course around and between us we analysed the whole 1st mvmt of Mahler's 1st Symphony, which according to our tutor should have taken us about a week and a half, but which we did in 12 non-stop hours. I've had the flu on and off at various points over the last 3 weeks or so, which really hasn't helped either.
My tutors want me to orchestrate up the rock opera I'm in the middle of composing, since it's "just" a piano score at the moment (what happened to giving praise for harmonic/melodic ideas?) and provide some librettos. (Or is that libretti? ... fuck ... ) Either way, it's quite a tonal rock opera, which therefore doesn't sit well with Mic, one of the tutors, who's into hardcore postmodernist theory, but does on the other hand sit quite neatly with Phil, who's a Professor Emeritus sort of professor more into Ravel and tonal things like that. The problem is that both of them mark all final-year composition work, so I have to come up with a method of pleasing both of them without digressing from either of their favoured styles too much.
My job is shit at the moment, I am arriving at work late, tired, and not with my mind fully focussed, plus my car window got smashed by some fucking pikeys on Fri night, so I was up dealing with neighbours and police for a good couple of hours, so I couldn't get to work and had to spend all of Saturday looking for the glass repair place, housed at possibly the most obscure location in the entire Leeds district, and suffer the indignity of travelling down the M621 with broken glass flying around my neck, whilst driving on about 3 hours sleep. But there was nothing I could do since the mobile repair division was fully booked all day and the weather was taking a turn for the worse. The arseholes at Autoglass were going to charge me 140 quid for one sodding window, so I got my old man on the blower and they reduced it to a 50 quid excess, which is still loads.
Very aware that I'm rabbiting now, but to conclude, I have done 2 out of 4 analysis pieces (the 2 longest ones, gd start) and 2100/4000 words for the Herrmann essay, 500/500 words done on my Herrmann presentation summary, and 600/1000 dissertation words. So far so good. Now for the final push. (No defecation metaphors please.)
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