Saturday, 20 August 2005

did this salutation "Carpe Diem" work for you? could we hear it again in THX certified sound?

Really quite sleepy today. Yesterday evening was a marathon of a night. The drinking started in earnest with J Sris drinking neat vodka in the confines of home, after which we all piled into Sam's car, went back to her place, listened to some music, had yet more vodka and coke, and caught a cab to The Library. (a pub which is not to be confused with a place of learning)

The Library found us meeting up with several old housemates - Vicki, Julianne, James, and some guys they live with now. My memory isn't quite what it was - their names have already eluded me. For that, I apologise! After The Library came Drydock, in which there was much mirth. Also, several people passed comment on my t-shirt ("Vote for Pedro", after the Napoleon Dynamite film) so that's good.

After being rejected from Revolution by the bouncer - you really shouldn't wear a tracksuit in the evening, Dan! - we pondered going to Hard Rock Cafe for cocktails. This evening was supposedly about me buying people belated birthday drinks; in fact, I realised I hadn't bought Sam any. But then Bob, Dan, and Ben all piped up, so I've ended up buying 5 rounds for 4 people. Ouch. Most of the poker winnings have been credited onto my credit card, but most pubs don't take them - this was the reason for thinking about Hard Rock.

But in the end, hunger took over and a short trip to McDonalds (can hear the sniggers from here) ensued. The last stop of the night was Carpe Diem, one of our favourite pubs. Sam bought a ridiculous amount of tequila, considering, and Bob chatted up some guys who looked like plumbers/labourers. In the end, I wound up walking home with Ben because I couldn't be arsed to call a cab in. Now I realise just how clever I am, as I have multiple blisters all over my feet.

Fell asleep by 4 and was in the car by 10 to drive home. Will probably return to Leeds in October for some cheap self-promotion of the new album on student radio. I have contacts ...hehe. Over and out.

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