Wednesday, 28 September 2005

continuously recorded 24/7 footage wore the reporter down. paid holiday leave was accepted until

A Blue Day has now been changed to All That Jazz (equally original, right?) after realising that there was about zero percent blues content in the songs that I'd written. Instead I'm aiming at a hybrid of jazz, modernism, and ambient noise. There will be 13 tracks and at the moment, 8 are complete. A tentative tracklisting is:
1 Coffee Morning*
2 Put On Your Scuffed Size Tens
3 Motor Head
4 The Office Grind
5 Lunch To Go
6 How To Fall Asleep At Your Desk*
7 Shutting Up Shop*
8 On The Prowl*
9 A Walk In The Park*
10 Inside The Restaurant*
11 Mood 3*
12 Hints of Romance*
13 Panoramic Monochrome Depths of Sleep

[*Asterisked tracks have been completed]
This is a concept album which revolves around a fictional character and 'a day in the life'. Some of the themes it explores are the mundanity of urban life, the extent to which machines dehumanise people, the existence of moral and ethical vacuums, the ways in which routine breaks down fresh approaches to things, etc.

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