Thursday, 1 September 2005


Canada is great! :) Writing this from my uncle's desktop whilst the 34 degree heat continues outside. We have been into the 'sticks' to visit my cousin, and to a lakeside cottage - each for a few days. So far the weather has been truly amazing. I've had to buy a new camera since my sister thought it would be a clever idea to pour a bucket of water over my old one. The new one is slightly chunkier but is 5.1MP instead of 4.1, and 6.1x total zoom instead of 5. Got a low price on it because the model was to be discontinued - $250 Canadian - about 125 quid. Pretty good stuff.

Plans for tomorrow are to visit a major water park, to visit my grandmother (on my mum's side) the day after, and then to spend a few days at my cousin's trailer, where no doubt much vodka-consuming will ensue.

Must dash.

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