Wednesday, 19 October 2005

sense of deja vu achieved as familiar surroundings were the backdrop to a memorable night

Went to Leeds for a super long weekend, which culminated in a late night venture to none other than the good old Cockpit. Most of the housemates were busy, so I ended up going with Ryan and Chris. It was absolutely brilliant! What a night ... don't think I've ever seen so many foxes in one place. Met up with a girl Chris knew from Cumbria called Wendy, who was allegedly asking after me. (??!) Not quite sure what was going on there. Either way, I ended up walking home alone in the pouring rain - thankfully a guy at the house left me his keys so I could let myself in. Smelling of fags and booze, I crashed onto the sofa in the lounge and then drove home - in yet more rain. Lol. If anyone tells me they know a better night out for £3 on the door then I'd have to call them a liar!

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