Wednesday, 5 October 2005

state of cosmological turmoil as labourer slaves on under the stars

For once something went right... I made $700 at poker. Should be enough to buy a Chinese.

Also, there are only 3 songs left to write on the album before it is complete. The final track (which by the way is now titled Afterthoughts: Surveying The Town, not Panoramic Monochrome Depths of Sleep) was finished today, and I am utterly exhausted. It's a huge track split into 5 smaller areas, each of which has its own subtitle. As you know, it's a concept album revolving around a 'day in the life' of a fictional character, and the final track surveys the various forms of nightlife as he sleeps. Like a film soundtrack, with cameras zooming in and around various locations in a town. The subtitles are:

1. Sound Asleep
2. No Shelter For A Tramp
3. Clubbing
4. Ring Road Bingo Hall
5. Sunrise

It has been structured in such a way that the final part of the track immediately segues into the first track on the album, so hitting repeat will give a continuous cycle.

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