Sunday, 5 March 2006

once realised that the British Empire was quickly going straight to hell

It struck me today that there’s so little encouragement in this country to do things the honest way. Here is a scenario involving two children, child X and child Y.

Child X wants to do well at everything. He comes from a middle class background, studies hard, and is active in extra-curricular activities like sport and music. After leaving primary school, he is successful in being admitted to grammar school, and leaves there with a handful of top grades. He then goes on to university where he obtains his first degree (at a cost of around £15,000) and plans to do a Masters.

Child Y is in Child X’s class at primary school. There is nothing to suggest a history of domestic violence or anything detrimental about his personal life. Child Y makes child X bored because he needs the teacher to explain things to him multiple times before they sink in. One day, many years later, Child Y is arrested for armed robbery and thrown into jail. The rehabilitation programme in place allows him to obtain a degree more or less of the same value as Child X’s. He is then freed for good behaviour after serving 50% of his sentence, at which time he returns home to his teenage wife and 5 kids. They are all claiming welfare.


1. What incentive is there for Child X to learn at primary school?
2. What incentive is there for Child X to work his way honestly through higher education?
3. Why should part of Child X’s tax from his first job support child Y?
4. Welfare does not encourage Child Y to work.
5. The criminal justice system is painfully liberal.
6. Unacceptable social behaviour is rewarded.
7. England is about punishing those who want the best for themselves at the expense of playing catch-up with the fuck-ups.

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