Saturday, 30 September 2006


Even the smallest of things has the potential to create and inflict large-scale greatness.

Sunday, 24 September 2006


I'm waiting for some quotes to come back from printing houses for the cost of scores, the Arts Council proposal is half written, and hopefully we can steal some musicians from Guildhall - if you're reading this Charles! - we especially need string players.

Saturday, 23 September 2006


Nobody ever warns you, or tells you what to do.
She walks away, you're left to stay.
Alone, forever blue.

The stars have all stopped shining.
The sun just won't break through.
Each day's the same, more clouds more rain.
You're left forever blue.

Forever blue 'cause you love her, but she doesn't love you.
You did your best, life did the rest.
You're left forever blue.

No reason left for living, still there's a lot to do.
New tears to cry, old songs to sing.
And feel forever blue.
And be

Friday, 22 September 2006

Thooku in Essex

Another Saturday, another concert, same old. This time I'm taking part in it; I'm in only 3 items, if that isn't enough! Last rehearsal's today, it's gona be manic. Last minute this and that, hopefully we don't have to change any of the notes cos that would take the piss.

Thursday, 21 September 2006


Within these monochrome shades
Around the salt air breeze
Spectroscopy is to envelope
Of energies unharnessed

Quixotic, idealistic
Engraved in the mind
Curse your discourse
Nothing so sallow

Though calm and soothing
There's always a counterbalance
Action, reaction, cause,
Effect, yin, yang.

Teleport me away
For halcyon days

Sunday, 17 September 2006


Mm. Crab and sea bass for dinner. Feeling full, and want to go to sleep really. Also, what does everyone think of the new background on my main page? Bit better than the skull image? Or completely pretentious of me to put up a page of my own score, and the sooner I pull my head out my arse the better? Can't wait to start uni again. It'll be good to have to use my brains instead of having them turn to dust in Croydon.

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Crazy California

Got a nice ring to it hasn't it? Tis the name I gave to my video on Youtube. Wana watch? Just click here, sound would be helpful.


Covering someone in my dad's office today and had a viewing for a place in South Norwood - big for the area and not cheap at £1,250 a month - see the Werndee Road property using the link above. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was a private tenant but this was a family totally reliant on benefit with two kids. It's pitiful really - they obviously loved the place because they're used to council accommodation, and their rent is being paid almost entirely by DSS (the council) ... and where do you think our well-earned taxes go? I wonder how shambolic the system would be if everyone were to just turn around suddenly, give up on life, and go out with cap in hand. I also wish it were as easy as knocking a girl up, having a few kids and never having to pay that money back. Why do those who choose the just, proper way through life inevitably end up penalised?
Whatever you think ... visit my dad's estate agency online! Rent or buy now!

Wednesday, 13 September 2006


Tomorrow I enrol for 12 more months of film music - hopefully actively composing and arranging film music as opposed to ruminating on aesthetics and philosophies underpinning it.

Tonight I've been out in Kingston watching 5 bands play for a fiver! Get in! Here's a quick rundown of how I thought it went, in the order they played:

I Love You But...: 7/10
Deserved to be higher up the bill as they walked all over the second band. Yet ... with only 6 songs complete the guys could do with defining their 'sound' a bit more. If I'm allowed to make that criticism!

The Plague Pacific: 3/10
This band played just three songs, and in that time managed to prove they suffered from an acute lack of rhythmic creativity and creativity in general.

The Chase: 6.5/10
Greg's band, so I better be polite here. All band members showed solid musicianship and tight integration of their parts within the overall sound. Their singer, while charismatic, tried to be quirky and irreverent just once too often for my liking, which slightly marred an otherwise reasonable set.

A Place Far Away: 7.5/10
Heavier than The Chase generally but tighter in rhythm and control too. People really stood up and took notice of this band (literally) and you can see why. 'When I Was A Monster' was particularly good. A change of bassist has not changed the overall sound or direction of the band. Good stuff.

So Red The Rose: 6/10
Not sure if there was any significance in letting this band play last, as (in this reviewer's humble opinion) they were not the best on the night. If this makes any sense - and it might not - it seemed that the abrupt musical changes existed as some part of creative formula, rather than driving the music internally. Levels of musicianship as good as, if not better than, The Chase.

Friday, 8 September 2006


Tonight: Charles's last night, off to Epsom Marquis

Tuesday 12th: I Love You But... gig in Kingston

Wednesday 13th: Enrolment for MA Music course ... in Kingston

Thursday 14th: Bob's friend's boat party! Cool or what.

I'm confident that all of the above will negate the shitty mood I was in earlier this week.

Wednesday, 6 September 2006

Chocolate fountain discovered at wedding reception

Went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago. Abi (a distant cousin of mine) got married to Dushen. Congratulations guys!! Anyway, the traditional ceremony was done, and reception duely followed. The speeches were filled with typical Asian/Tamil humour (???).

The pièce de résistance, however, was the chocolate fountain installed near the hall entrance. I'm tellin ya, its fan-bloody-tastic! There were several short eats you could dip in e.g. mini doughnuts, pineapple and other fruit. Click HERE to see this.

These are the first photos I've put up on the site.

My family (L-R Janani, Ramani, mum, dad)

Me and big

Abi and Dushen

Monday, 4 September 2006


I haven't left my house to socialise properly since over a week ago.

Nobody ever calls me, texts me, asks me how I am.

Since Leeds fest I've had a big-time cold and headache, the latter of which has been exacerbated by Catherine's never-quiet dogs. And when I tried to restrain them she got upset with me.

There are times when I just don't like Catherine much.

Above anything else my aim this year was to find me a girl. Isn't happening... in any case I have no money to take her out to nice places and stuff. Sob story. It'd help if I could tell her about some shit in my life and have it not matter over a beer or three.

Cliched, but I want to make the most of life, and live without limits. It isn't happening just yet and it needs to change sharpish.

Sunday, 3 September 2006


This is a full list of all instruments needed to stage the rock opera:
WIND: 2 piccolo, 2 oboe, 2 flute, 2 Bb clarinet

BRASS: 4 F horn, 2 C trumpet

STRINGS: 8 violin I, 6 violin II, 4 viola, 2 cello, 1 double bass

BAND: Drums, bass, lead guitar

OTHERS: Acoustic guitar, piano

Currently the following parts are available to audition for:
WIND: 2 piccolo, 2 oboe, 1 flute, 2 Bb clarinet
BRASS: 4 F horn, 2 C trumpet
STRINGS: 7 violin I, 6 violin II, 4 viola, 2 cello, 1 double bass

Friday, 1 September 2006

Huuuuge pots, Argies sign for Hammers, sleeeeeeeep

Been awake since Wednesday morning uuuurrrrgh. Last resit, finished at 1pm, went down G'shot. Usual £20 tournament , no good, then cash games. AAlllll nighter...up and down, this and that.

We're doing a self deal PL omaha. I'm dealing, easy goin. Big hand. QQ44. Flop comes 222. (???) Alex goes pot, I fold my house. Another guy goes all in. Then Nathan , this dude, calls it. Alex pots on the turn. I'm thinking , I've dealt out some MONSTERS! Indeed. Alex has KK, other guy has JJ. Nathan has FLOPPED THE QUAD 2'S!! Huuuuuuuge pot!

Thursday, another £20 tourney, very good, finished 4th, £61, woo!! More cash games, start to tilt, losing money. Fast forward to £25-50 cash game at 2am, only 4 of us. Me and this guy Freddie heads up. I have pocket 10's. Flop comes K, 3 10. Trips. Turn is a K. Have the house. By this time, I'm almost all in with around £80. Freddie shows 3's giving him 333KK. I have 101010KK. Woohooooo! SHHIIIIPPPIIIIITTTT!!!! £200 mwahahaaaa. Felt sorry for Freddie, jeeeeeez what a beat for him.

Suddenly its September and fkin Carlos Tevez and Masherano have moved to West Ham..... PERMANENT. No loan, PERMANENT!! WTF!!!Anyway, we got Gallas and a few million for Coley. Nice, very nice.

I've gotta go home and sleeeeeeep. Later on this evening, going to 02 centre (Finchley Road) with Habs boys. C ya!!