Monday, 4 September 2006


I haven't left my house to socialise properly since over a week ago.

Nobody ever calls me, texts me, asks me how I am.

Since Leeds fest I've had a big-time cold and headache, the latter of which has been exacerbated by Catherine's never-quiet dogs. And when I tried to restrain them she got upset with me.

There are times when I just don't like Catherine much.

Above anything else my aim this year was to find me a girl. Isn't happening... in any case I have no money to take her out to nice places and stuff. Sob story. It'd help if I could tell her about some shit in my life and have it not matter over a beer or three.

Cliched, but I want to make the most of life, and live without limits. It isn't happening just yet and it needs to change sharpish.

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