Wednesday, 13 September 2006


Tomorrow I enrol for 12 more months of film music - hopefully actively composing and arranging film music as opposed to ruminating on aesthetics and philosophies underpinning it.

Tonight I've been out in Kingston watching 5 bands play for a fiver! Get in! Here's a quick rundown of how I thought it went, in the order they played:

I Love You But...: 7/10
Deserved to be higher up the bill as they walked all over the second band. Yet ... with only 6 songs complete the guys could do with defining their 'sound' a bit more. If I'm allowed to make that criticism!

The Plague Pacific: 3/10
This band played just three songs, and in that time managed to prove they suffered from an acute lack of rhythmic creativity and creativity in general.

The Chase: 6.5/10
Greg's band, so I better be polite here. All band members showed solid musicianship and tight integration of their parts within the overall sound. Their singer, while charismatic, tried to be quirky and irreverent just once too often for my liking, which slightly marred an otherwise reasonable set.

A Place Far Away: 7.5/10
Heavier than The Chase generally but tighter in rhythm and control too. People really stood up and took notice of this band (literally) and you can see why. 'When I Was A Monster' was particularly good. A change of bassist has not changed the overall sound or direction of the band. Good stuff.

So Red The Rose: 6/10
Not sure if there was any significance in letting this band play last, as (in this reviewer's humble opinion) they were not the best on the night. If this makes any sense - and it might not - it seemed that the abrupt musical changes existed as some part of creative formula, rather than driving the music internally. Levels of musicianship as good as, if not better than, The Chase.

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