Sunday, 14 January 2007


Not okay, I'm not okay. I promise. Cheers. Don't be so rebarbative. A little humility goes a long way. The human equivalent of a plum. Plum features: hollow middle, susceptible to environment. You need to know something: I should see you more often. And for longer. Quality time. Sitting on the park bench holding hands. Like turtledoves. A matching pair. It all fits so neatly. The fantasy romance. Il dio, una sequenza di solitudine ma la felicita. Now what? Coruscating in the darkness. Should really get a haircut. Watch a helpless elderly man shuffle past Boots. Some chavs turn on him. Now what? Oh yeah. Ignore them, silly. Pretend nothing's happening. Your silence is the key to survival. Lethally addicted to blandness and neutrality. Passion-less music. Sex-less sex. Reconcile A with B. You can't do it. We'll say it again: genius manifests itself in eccentricity. So the point of blending in with the Ikea furniture is.....?

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