Saturday, 27 January 2007


Ok, first of all an apology for all the bulletins I haven't been sending out. I don't know why someone wants to bother hacking my site because there's nothing worth taking lol, so other than getting new antivirus stuff and changing passwords I have no idea what else to do. Suggestions are welcome.

My New Year was both good (Cockpit) and shite (losing £100 for no reason.) but tending more towards the shite. Hope everyone else's was better, although that won't be difficult!

We had to record a sax quartet last week and everybody's piece turned out fine. Except, of course, mine. Apparently what I wrote was "too hard", even though there were no real problems with the tempo. The phrasing was admittedly a little irregular but still, they are supposed professionals...I think it's all in the head. The fact that mine was the last to be performed at almost 9pm probably didn't help. My tutor went ape shit when he found out we would have to reschedule, which was funny as. The other good thing to come out of all that was they "really enjoyed playing what they could". Not sure if this is a backhanded compliment or not. One of the Deltas mentioned that he might pass it on to some colleagues at the London Sinfonietta. Either way I can't win with this tutor. I can either get an extension on the work and lose marks for having an unfair time advantage. Or I can give a synthetic score in and lose marks for bad production quality. Doh.

I'm also typing my CV and scouring the land for a new job. There's only so much of one place I can take at one time, and unfortunately the current place is somewhere where I'm ideally on my best behaviour for 8 or 9 hours a day whilst dealing with snotty customers. I want out.

Last but not least, it's almost bloody Valentine's Day again. I cannot fail to notice this because I'm constantly reminded of it at work. Anyone else being an anarchist for that day?

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