So the last few days have been quite eventful. Lets start with Friday night. I go down to Harrow Leisure Centre around 7.30pm as you do. Play a few games with the uncles and aunties of the B-team. Then I join the more capable A-team around 9. Usually I lose around 60-70% of the A-team games I play. But this was a night and a half. I was in electric form! Imagine Thierry Henry in the form he was in during the Arsenal 03/04 Invincible season. That kind of form. I was unstoppable!I ended up winning 3 out of the 3 doubles matches.
Saturday afternoon, Liverpool lost 2-0 to Porstmouth. Thats my 50p accumulator gone down the drain after just 1 game played. Then Man Utd lose to Fulham, wooohoooo!
Bring on Saturday night for Ramiya's birthday party at Digress Bar, a fantastic venue. I bought a £5 smirnoff vodka bottle (cheaper than a double vodka and coke). Managed to wash that down with a can of coke, and I was buzzing. Got down to Digress, saw Haran, Vinod, Nivan, Shobana, Meera, Sinduja and of course the birthday girl Ramiya. Then the others reeled in. Rajeivan, Vani, Nirupy, Ramesh, brother-in-law Arpan, sister Janani, Nish, Anthony, Sam, Ahilan, Indu, Sindhu, Kajarooban and Suwetha.
It was a party and a half I tell ya! Thanks in part to the vodka and coke I glugged earlier on. (I apologize to everyone for my drunken behavior). I was giving out my business cards left, right and centre. Here's an example of how I met one of Ramiya's King's medic mates.
"Hi, I'm Mark"
"Hi, I'm Janahan, here's my business card." (gives the business card) "I'm a musician"
It was great to see Ahilan, Indu, Sam, Sindhu and Nish. You guys rocked! I ended up dancing the night away, getting a cab home with Nirupy, Ramesh and Rajeivan. I recall drunkenly telling Ramesh about my gambling antics. But I reckon he already knew.
Anyways, a final thank you to Ramiya for the great party. And Meera and Ramesh for the kick-up-the-arse talks.
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