Thursday, 3 December 2009

Career crisis? What do you think?

I thought I'd write a bit more about my current status.

I'm 24. I have no job, no degree, no money. My highest qualifications are A-levels. I do have the option to restart the 2nd year of a Mathematics and Finance course at City University. Another bright spark: I have plenty of work experience. I've worked in a bank, a few call centres and a hotel. My experience is predominantly telesales and customer service.

My most ideal, realistic role would be a cashier at a bank. And eventually I can work myself up the career ladder. From cashier via customer service advisor, personal banker to manager. Some people tell me to follow my passion. Music. I've been learning/playing Indian classical flute for nearly 17 years. I have experience in performing at several concerts in London, ranging from Beck Theatre, Winston Churchil Hall to Hammersmith Palais and Royal Albert Hall.

I could be a professional flutist if I wanted to. I can be my own boss. Perform at weddings, receptions, parties, you name it. I could teach beginners. I could join a band. I could release an album. I could become one of the top musicians in the world given the chance.

Alas, I'm not going to limit myself to a bank job or being a musician. I'm still exploring the possibilities. Driving instructor, administrator, police officer (my best mate's in the force), IT developer, salesman, estate agent, financial advisor. These are serious career prospects that I'm considering. You notice that I've left out, debatably, four (of what I consider) top jobs. Doctor, lawyer, accountant, engineer. The majority of my friends (as they are Sri Lankan) will stereotypically follow a career path in any of those four roles.

However, I'm not going to follow that traditional route. After much thought and consideration, if I were given the chance, I would have a predominantly full time career in finance during the week, and a part time music career for the weekends. Now what do you think of that?

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