Thursday, 24 May 2012

was an emotional rollercoaster yet did not account for all his symptoms...

Step 1: Rediscover letters of 2001 from (quite possibly) first ever girlfriend.

Step 2: Swig of scotch and re-read letters thoroughly.

Step 3: Plonk her email into MySpace. Discover she hasn't been on there in 5 years. But on the bright side, she's dating a chav.

Step 4: Plonk her email into Facebook. Discover I can't message her, let alone add her.

Step 5: Friend confirms that they can't contact her at all either, so at least I haven't been singled out.

Step 6: As steps 3-5 are performed, wonder why I care so much about a girl who was nice to know once but is know seemingly a few steps away from wannabe WAG status.

Step 7: Repeat step 2 and wonder how it's possible the girl in the letters could transform into a chav.

Step 8: Give up. Go to bed.

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