Sunday, 13 May 2012

reality bites

So I went to New Malden last night, to watch the production of 1066 and all that, which was admittedly quite good - or better than I thought it would be. My friend Anushka from badminton also tagged along, and was most unsuitably dressed for the occasion in a tracksuit and T-shirt...

A bit of background. Before last night, I hadn't seen Amanda for nearly 9 years. In fact my lasting memory of her was at a house party me and my sister threw in 2003. As with all parties, it was far too bibulous to make sense of, and we both ended up drunk in the same bed. But that's where the line was drawn. I didn't sleep with her because I wanted to matter to her when she was sober.

Amanda appeared to be cast in one of the lead roles as she featured prominently in several scenes, and showed a convincing command of several accents. The evening was enhanced (perhaps) by the availability of wine before the start and during the interval - and at £1.50 a glass, I certainly wasn't complaining!

After the final curtain call, I even managed to get in a few words with her. Unfortunately a dayglo neanderthal also appeared who I rightly assumed was the beau; we made our excuses and left. I sent her a text at about 10pm commending her performance once again and promised to keep an eye out for any future shows she was in, and went off in search of dinner with Anushka...we ate, I drank even more, I went home, I slept.

I woke up Sunday morning. This is where it gets interesting - she replied to my text at 3am thanking me for my support, saying she hoped we enjoyed the show. Shouldn't she have been with dayglo at the time? Now perhaps, once again, I am guilty of overanalysing something that doesn't need to be analysed - or maybe it's a clue.

Whatever the reason, I can't deny my fondness for indulging in rose-tinted nostalgia concerning women linked to my past. It is certainly not healthy and it invariably leads to "oh, you've found someone", which is pretty predictable. I don't know why the fuck I do it. If I ever grew up and realised it would almost certainly be a more fruitsome move to approach women who weren't in my social circle a decade ago, I might actually get somewhere in life...

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