Monday, 28 November 2005

as the comedic fellow prepared for a copyright infringement lawsuit by Jim Henson's lawyers

Having started work at my local record store, I would like to list here my Top Five Muppets - the members of the public who liven up my job and provide continual amusement.

1. Just Plain Stupid Customer: "Does that nice young chap Richard Branston work here then?"
2. Psycho Customer: "I'm going to have you give you a twenty pound note because I don't have any fifty pound notes or ten pound notes or five pounds notes or coins ... is that all right?"
3. Me: "Did you find everything you were looking for?" Snotty Customer: "Actually no I didn't, I couldn't find a geisha for my mate or the winning lottery ticket."
4. Horny Customer: "Where would I find Star Whores?"
5. Idiot Customer: "Could I please have £20 of £5 vouchers and £20 of £40."

Thursday, 24 November 2005

Tamil Tiger entertains all and sundry in showstopping spectacular. no, really.

Yep, here's my summary of the show Bob. Good contributing on here btw! Nice one.

Divali Show at Royal Albert Hall

Went up to London a couple of weeks ago for a show in which Bob was performing. It was actually really good. Divali is a religious Hindi festival and a celebration of all that is good and pure about the human spirit. (Correct me if I'm wrong on that, Bob) I was initially somewhat bemused because the show had numerous incongruous hip hop elements to it, which seemed to have nothing to do with either religion or purity. However, it's quite clear that dancing and entertainment are two key elements of the show, so perhaps that's where it fits in.

One of the standout items of the night was a percussion-heavy piece (whose name I can't remember, apologies) involving 15 or so students, which combined polyrhythms with a great deal of technical skill. The piece which involved Bob also had a significant amount of percussion, which I'm guessing underlines the links between rhythm and dancing.

The mood of the audience could generally be described as tongue in cheek - witness the old grandma character in the Blind Date pastiche - and most had a good time. There were a few interesting moments when some drunk lads in front of us got rather excited at an exciting rendition of Billie Jean. (Which just goes to show that no matter what allegations are thrown at Michael Jackson, people still dance to his music.)

For pure comedy, witness the host (what was his name, dammit?) inviting half a dozen of the audience onto the stage to freestyle - one of whom was a mate of the wasted dudes. Overall, this was quite a fun night out. Bob tells me that he wrote some of the music which was performed and I certainly couldn't tell the difference, so nice one!

PS: Bob, the Muse Absolution Tour DVD is out on Dec 12 - you remember when we had that camera shoved in our face near the start of the encore at Stockholm Syndrome? Well that track is on the extras on the DVD, so watch out and we might see our mugs I guess!!!

Work, music, football.

Thats right, another load of coursework, this time I'll do it properly unlike last year. 3 Maths worksheets and 1 Economics essay, all to be done in the next 2 weeks. I feel I'm more active compared to last year, especially after all those rehearsals for the GKT orchestra (Jamie you going to write a review of the show? I missed half of it.) Bought David Gray's new album off ebay, I've heard the 1st five songs, they sound quite good. I'm sure like most other albums I have, this one will get better when I hear it more. Also got 'acoustic love' but haven't heard any songs yet.

Saw highlights of Arsenal v. Thun the other night, Song and Eboue being the new players under the limelight. They did a good job, Eboue with his bombing runs down the right and Song with his simple passing and control. Another collection of promising youngsters brought in by Wenger and his scouts. As for the result, well I have to admit it was a lucky win with the Thun free kick wrongly ruled offside. But we WON, and that's the main thing, as they all say.

Wednesday, 16 November 2005

GKT divali show at Royal Albert Hall

Haven't posted here for a while, wanted to tell about a great day i had on Sunday 13th. It was a Diwali show organised by students of King's college. For those of you who don't know, I've learnt the indian classical flute since I was 7 years old. And since then I've played in concerts at venues such as Beck Theatre(Hayes) and Winston Churchill Hall(Pinner).

But to play at the Royal Albert Hall was a brilliant experience. I arrived at the hall at 11am, and sat with my orchestra colleagues with whom I had been rehearsing on and off for the past 3 weeks. We waited, and waited until the organizers called us up for the sound check. Each member of the orchestra was asked to play in order to set up the sound. Branavan, the other flutist, played 'Twinkle twinkle little star", which was quite hilarious after the others were playing our traditional pieces.

We did a run through of our 10 songs (2 of which I wrote the music for), and after went back to the dressing room by 3pm. After some more rehearsals, chilling and a big pizza meal, I went to the top gallery to watch the first 7 acts which comprised of comedy and dance.

By 9pm (show started at 7.30), it was our turn to entertain the audience. It was brilliant, a great performance by all the members, Wayne's rendition on the bass for 'Billy Jean' drawing the biggest cheer from the 4000+ crowd. And though our act lasted 5 minutes, it was worth it.
We came back to our dressing room, ecstatic, relieved, overjoyed. 3 cheers for the hero of the hour, EASON, the one who put our act together. I watched the remainder of the show, one of the acts standing out was 'Tribute to Gandhi', a mesmerizing dance act with co-ordination second to none. By 10.30pm, the Diwali show finished.

BUT the day was not finished, as we all headed off to Hammersmith Palais for the after party. And what a party it was, especially that I hadn't been out on the piss for 3 weeks! Met some old Habs' friends Dinesh, Himal, Sean. Danced the night away after a few aftershocks and vodka, it doesn't get better than that! 3am, and the party was over, crashed at Ramiya's (my cousin who played violin) in Bermondsey, barely an hours sleep, headed back to my home at 11, and left for lectures at 1........EXHAUSTED. But it was worth it.

Here's a list of the orchestra pieces. The ensemble consisted of Eastern as well as Western instruments.

1. Vinaayagane (Eastern classical- played by eastern)
2. Twister- overnight celebrity (western)
3. Jay Z- Big Pimpin (eastern, I wrote the music)
4. Hamma (Bollywood classic, western)
5. Marques Houston - Clubbin (eastern, I wrote the music)
6. Kannalane (Bollywood classic, western)
7. Sean Paul - Get Busy (eastern)
8.Michael Jackson - Billy Jean (Everyone)
9. Appadi poordu (Bollywood classic, everyone)
10. Ragupathy (Indian anthem, everyone)

Friday, 11 November 2005

for if nothing else the geriatric could be described as a "walking narcoleptic."

Walking Narcoleptic.

heavy, heavy eyes.
with all his summoned strength,
he tries to open them but
superglue clamps them shut

surreptitious and devastating and it
hammers, hammers,
hammers home a message
of intransigence and complete obstinacy
it is this
characteristic which keeps his
eyes all shut like.

jaded drugged and sallow of mind
inside his mind he thinks, this isn't happening.
but it is
this most prized visual emancipation
the innate strength required
it isn't happening

and carmine glows from the aether
and sodium yellow streetlights infiltrate
and tenderized moonlight coalesces
and jocund, garrulous inconsequentiality invades
if he could just try...
...but these are heavy, heavy eyes.

Tuesday, 8 November 2005

now then, this was something different. via a portent this psychic appeared to find a 'citizen erased'.

Break me in, teach us to cheat
And to lie and to cover up
What shouldn't be shared
And the truth's unwinding
Scraping away at my mind
Stop asking me to describe

For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free

Self expressed, exhausting for all to see
And to be what you want
And what you need
And the truth's unwinding
Scraping away at my mind
Stop asking me to describe
For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free

For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free

Wash me away
Clean your body of me
Erase all the memories
They'll only bring us pain
And I've seen, all I'll ever need to see.

Thursday, 3 November 2005

answering machine contained various recordings. also referred to as his 'messages', they















Work is now underway on this album, which will be my fifth. One thing I’m concentrating on is the level of production quality as I was not totally satisfied with this on the last album. Still, with limited equipment in what is essentially a bedroom, I suppose it can never compete with the major label releases of the day. Stylistically, Messages is centred around a kind of jazz. The main musical property explored throughout is structure. Sometimes the beginning is the end; there may be codettas before new material, and so on.

Tuesday, 1 November 2005

spectacular spectacular! this show must go on. half a dozen university students in halloween get-up malarkey

Recently returned from a weekend in Leeds which involved the Halloween Otley Run, the notorious pub crawl. It was good! Felt distinctly nauseous after gobbling my dinner down and getting through the first couple of pubs. But I was ok after, and we wound up at an Indian restaurant for a late supper. My costume involved a skeleton mask, Dracula cape, and some gloves which had a distinct psychedelic smell to them...

So now I'm back in good old SE London, and putting bits together for some new songs. At the moment I have 5 tracks which I'm working on.