Friday, 11 November 2005

for if nothing else the geriatric could be described as a "walking narcoleptic."

Walking Narcoleptic.

heavy, heavy eyes.
with all his summoned strength,
he tries to open them but
superglue clamps them shut

surreptitious and devastating and it
hammers, hammers,
hammers home a message
of intransigence and complete obstinacy
it is this
characteristic which keeps his
eyes all shut like.

jaded drugged and sallow of mind
inside his mind he thinks, this isn't happening.
but it is
this most prized visual emancipation
the innate strength required
it isn't happening

and carmine glows from the aether
and sodium yellow streetlights infiltrate
and tenderized moonlight coalesces
and jocund, garrulous inconsequentiality invades
if he could just try...
...but these are heavy, heavy eyes.

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