Thursday, 24 November 2005

Tamil Tiger entertains all and sundry in showstopping spectacular. no, really.

Yep, here's my summary of the show Bob. Good contributing on here btw! Nice one.

Divali Show at Royal Albert Hall

Went up to London a couple of weeks ago for a show in which Bob was performing. It was actually really good. Divali is a religious Hindi festival and a celebration of all that is good and pure about the human spirit. (Correct me if I'm wrong on that, Bob) I was initially somewhat bemused because the show had numerous incongruous hip hop elements to it, which seemed to have nothing to do with either religion or purity. However, it's quite clear that dancing and entertainment are two key elements of the show, so perhaps that's where it fits in.

One of the standout items of the night was a percussion-heavy piece (whose name I can't remember, apologies) involving 15 or so students, which combined polyrhythms with a great deal of technical skill. The piece which involved Bob also had a significant amount of percussion, which I'm guessing underlines the links between rhythm and dancing.

The mood of the audience could generally be described as tongue in cheek - witness the old grandma character in the Blind Date pastiche - and most had a good time. There were a few interesting moments when some drunk lads in front of us got rather excited at an exciting rendition of Billie Jean. (Which just goes to show that no matter what allegations are thrown at Michael Jackson, people still dance to his music.)

For pure comedy, witness the host (what was his name, dammit?) inviting half a dozen of the audience onto the stage to freestyle - one of whom was a mate of the wasted dudes. Overall, this was quite a fun night out. Bob tells me that he wrote some of the music which was performed and I certainly couldn't tell the difference, so nice one!

PS: Bob, the Muse Absolution Tour DVD is out on Dec 12 - you remember when we had that camera shoved in our face near the start of the encore at Stockholm Syndrome? Well that track is on the extras on the DVD, so watch out and we might see our mugs I guess!!!


  1. Divali is the HindU festival of lights (though I don't celebrate it). Hindi is a language. It was Juggy D, not the host, who asked some of the audience to dance on stage. He's well known in the Asian music scene.

  2. Juggy D sounds like a breast enlargement scheme. Or is that the intent and I'm being mind-bogglingly stupid?
