Monday, 28 November 2005

as the comedic fellow prepared for a copyright infringement lawsuit by Jim Henson's lawyers

Having started work at my local record store, I would like to list here my Top Five Muppets - the members of the public who liven up my job and provide continual amusement.

1. Just Plain Stupid Customer: "Does that nice young chap Richard Branston work here then?"
2. Psycho Customer: "I'm going to have you give you a twenty pound note because I don't have any fifty pound notes or ten pound notes or five pounds notes or coins ... is that all right?"
3. Me: "Did you find everything you were looking for?" Snotty Customer: "Actually no I didn't, I couldn't find a geisha for my mate or the winning lottery ticket."
4. Horny Customer: "Where would I find Star Whores?"
5. Idiot Customer: "Could I please have £20 of £5 vouchers and £20 of £40."

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