Well, well what shall I say, it has been a long week, not so busy at good old Deutsche Bank. Carla and Su were talking and they said that it’s OK for me to take 3 weeks off so I can start to revise for my resits in August.
I’m planning to work there for the whole of September, so another month of bankroll boosting wahaayy! But it’s also good to get more office experience. The longest time I had work experience at one company was only 2 weeks. I’ve worked here for nearly a month!
Took a big hit at Gutshot on Wednesday night, playing on the £25-50 table. The last 2 rounds were the worst. Got A-Q, guy raises pot, I call along with another. Flop is A-x-x. I’m all in, turn, then river is a K. Raiser shows KK, caught his trips. The other round? Js-6s. There’s a £1 minimum raise and everyone calls. I get top 2 pair, go all in again. 2 callers. River is a Q. The same guy rivers me with his 3 ladies. In fairness, both rounds I was behind pre flop.
That's just bad luck, man. One thing I've gathered in poker is that no matter how technically correct you may play a hand, there's always one bastard fish at the table who's prepared to hunt for anything to take you down. And that fish is usually me lol ;)
ReplyDeleteWe're all fishing at some point, I've gota stop playing on tilt, cos that's what I've been like for the past 2 weeks.