There aren't many places where I can honestly say I've felt so many different emotions, but this is one of them.
Here I've had my heart broken.
Here I've gotten blind drunk.
Here I hoped a gigantic invisible hole would swallow me up when she got off with that jerk.
Here I hoped a gigantic invisible hole would swallow me up when she got off with that jerk.
Here I almost pissed myself laughing. At the Xmas 2003 party, Ryan forced 23 brussel sprouts into his mouth purely to win a £10 HMV voucher. Imagine a cross between The Grinch and a Syrian hamster.
Here I've met complete strangers who can also appreciate the music. Skanking until the early hours when the music stops.
Here I know the DJs by name.
Here there isn't an unfriendly person in the whole place.
Here is my most regular night out, from 2002. It's still the best.
If you haven't been yet, what the hell are you waiting for??!
Here I know the DJs by name.
Here there isn't an unfriendly person in the whole place.
Here is my most regular night out, from 2002. It's still the best.
If you haven't been yet, what the hell are you waiting for??!
There's your mystical number 23 again, Bob...