Not a good way to end your footballing career. Zidane and Materazzi were, without doubt, the most influential figures in the World Cup final. Materazzi conceded the penalty to France, he scored Italy's equaliser, and his abuse provoked Zidane to an early bath. Funny how their respective numbers are 23 and 10. These are neighbours on the roulette wheel.
My focus is on 23. People have been asking me how I’ve become obsessed with this number and I’ll explain. Since I started watching ‘Lost’ on channel 4, 23 seemed to come up quite a lot. Hurley’s episode reveals how he won the lottery using 6 numbers: 4,8,15,16,23,42. These numbers are cursed, hence the strange events occurring around Hurley.
Back to the real world, 23 January, I was in Farringdon. I had just taken a hit at the bookies, and in a really bad mood, walked to the computer clusters. I then lost £80 online in a frenzy.23 February, I’m at Gutshot. I won a £5 omaha tournament (see 24 Feb post). Remember how I said 23 and 10 are roulette neighbours? Well guess when my next tournament win was. Yup, it was the 10th! (See May 11 post).
Another day at Gutshot, and I'm watching the Champions League final. I'm surrounded by 3 Barcelona fans, moaning about how their disallowed goal should've stood. It's a free kick to us. I say, just for jokes, 'Sol Campbell, number 23, is gona score'. AND HE SCORED!
Finally, my trip to India. At some point or another, it always came up. Funny that the only sports channel on the Puttarpathi hotel TV was 23. Or in the Sai Baba museum, there were stalls with quotations on the walls, all dated on the 23rd of November in different years. It turned out that it is Swami’s birthday.
Surely, it's just pure co-incidence……
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