Saturday, 5 May 2007

bla bla GS FB GS FB!!

So i've updated my status, i'm not gona delete this post, cos u only live once (twice in my motto), i've spilled my guts on the www web. Just as I come home from tony's, I find out someone's "attached" to the 'p' word, just b4 City uni maths exams, the WORST time to attach yourelf! My year out has been tremendous, good luck all of u, another x amount of days till you're freeeeeeeeeeeee!! Seriously, don't do anything stupid, just hit the books, and you're ok. Next friday should be fun, jamming with an 'up and coming' artiste.

Tomorrow, "mark my words! the russian west londoners
will regret letting their Emirate sponsorship" go waste"

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