Sunday, 27 May 2007

Wedding? What wedding?

I've found another internet cafe where I can update my status, find out what I'm missing in London (sweet FA i assume), and give you the latest from the hole that is Chennai. They give a good rate here: 30 rupees for an hour of net surfing. The currency hasn't changed much since last year; it's still roughly 80 rupees to the pound. So for 60 minutes of quality browsing, its only 40p. Not bad eh?

The daughter of my Tamil school teacher got married today. It was nice to meet some friends from back in the day. (Smile Veena you're on the net!) When I mean 'back in the day', I really mean far far back. When I was 6, I started learning my mother tongue Tamil at a local Sunday school in Wembley. And a year later I started learning carnatic flute. By the time I was 12, I was taking Tamil classes at near GCSE level, and one of my teachers was Mrs Vadivel.

Fast forward another 10 years and I'm attending her daughter (Sharmila)'s wedding. It was a very short ceremony, roughly 25-30 minutes. For those of you who are not accustomed with our Hindu/Tamil tradition, you must be wondering why I refer to half an hour as 'short'. Usually, a full blown ceremony like this lasts for 2-3 hours. Yep! That's right! You heard it from me.

Well I'm off back to the comforts of my hotel room. Can't miss the build up to the Monaco GP can we?

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