Thursday, 12 February 2004

and these are a few of my unfavourite things

Went to a badminton social last night, which involved going to a pub called The Bourbon and subsequently ice-skating. Amusingly, I hurt my jaw and developed huge blisters on my feet. I did my jaw in because I fell over avoiding some stupid kid who wasn't looking where she was going, and who was also skating the wrong way around the rink. It hurt so much that I ... um ... put some ice on it.

I don't have enough money to go home either as I need to find £100 in March to make two trips home in two consecutive weeks, as there are Jamie Cullum and Ketia Melua concerts on. Also, my mum's just told me that she wants £1,500 for the Fiat and not £1,150, so I have to find a further £350 from somewhere. Yet another reason to postpone going home for as long as possible...

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