Friday, 20 February 2004

sounding off on lecturer strikes

And now I have just read an email informing me of university lecturer's strikes next week, I am put in an even more negative mood, if that is possible. I don't pay more than a grand a year to not have lectures... and I also see from this email that the industrial action is planned on tuesday and wednesday, which coincidentally happens to be the two days all of my four and a half hours of lectures a week are on.

I am staying in all today to orchestrate the sodding Birtwistle piece, which has achieved the highly laudable claim of getting on my bloody nerves despite me only having studied it for about three hours. Birtwistle's various justifications and disquisitions about how to perform the piece correctly in the performance notes do nothing to calm my nerves. It's not as if you can do flutter-tounging or irregular embouchere techniques on a sodding piano... *sigh*

Baby's on the lamb tonight, the skies are full of stars, and love's just something that always goes wrong, and looks and smokes like Ava Gardner

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